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Guide to Reading & Writing Japanese: Third…
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Guide to Reading & Writing Japanese: Third Edition (edizione 2003)

di Kenneth Hanshall, Christropher Seeley, Florence Sakade, Henk de Groot

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Foreign Language Study. Language Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:This is an essential study tool for students seeking to learn Japanese and dramatically improve their ability to read and write kanji and kana.
Students have been reading and writing the Japanese language for centuries, and they build their knowledge most successfully when they rely on a trusted resource. Today's most trustedand readily availableresource is A Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese. This classic, best-selling learning and reference work is the best way to learn kanji and kana, and is now being offered as a fourth, thoroughly revised and up-to-date edition.
Having a knowledge of the full set of General Use characters is the key to mastering everyday Japanese and will allow students to read and write Japanese up to the level of a typical Japanese newspaper with ease and confidence.
Key features of this revised edition include:
  • The most recent changes prescribed by the Japanese Ministry of Education.
  • Covers all the 2,136 characters in the 'General Use' / Joyo Kanji set.
  • Specific codes indicate the kanji required for the JLPT and AP exams.
  • Full range of Japanese character readings and English definitions
  • Stroke counts, srokeorder diagrams, and compounds.
  • Essential Japanese characters are presented according to the new arrangement by grade, based on their frequency of usage rather than their complexity.
  • Numerous examples are given of the kanji compounds and derivatives used to form everyday words in Japanese.
… (altro)
Titolo:Guide to Reading & Writing Japanese: Third Edition
Autori:Kenneth Hanshall
Altri autori:Christropher Seeley, Florence Sakade, Henk de Groot
Info:Tuttle Publishing (2003), Edition: 3, Paperback, 336 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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A Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese di Florence Sakade

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Wow! Another amazing book by Tuttle at a price I can afford. As a single mom living under the poverty level, I need to be careful how I spend my money. I want value and need books that will supplement my girls’ education and also useful to me as well. A Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese is modern with “the most recent changes to the kanji lists prescribed by the Japanese Ministry of Education.” Learning each stroke of the 2,136 characters in the “General Use” kanji set and the 1,009 “Essential” characters are a breeze. It includes the full range of character readings and their English definitions. There are plenty of examples and “special codes (to) indicate the kanji required for the JLPT and AP exams.” Learning kanji has never been so easy! ( )
  Malia000 | Oct 14, 2013 |
A manual of basic Japanese designed to provide instruction in the essential characters and a basis for fluent reading and writing of the language.
  antimuzak | Mar 13, 2006 |
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Foreign Language Study. Language Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:This is an essential study tool for students seeking to learn Japanese and dramatically improve their ability to read and write kanji and kana.
Students have been reading and writing the Japanese language for centuries, and they build their knowledge most successfully when they rely on a trusted resource. Today's most trustedand readily availableresource is A Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese. This classic, best-selling learning and reference work is the best way to learn kanji and kana, and is now being offered as a fourth, thoroughly revised and up-to-date edition.
Having a knowledge of the full set of General Use characters is the key to mastering everyday Japanese and will allow students to read and write Japanese up to the level of a typical Japanese newspaper with ease and confidence.
Key features of this revised edition include:
The most recent changes prescribed by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Covers all the 2,136 characters in the 'General Use' / Joyo Kanji set. Specific codes indicate the kanji required for the JLPT and AP exams. Full range of Japanese character readings and English definitions Stroke counts, srokeorder diagrams, and compounds. Essential Japanese characters are presented according to the new arrangement by grade, based on their frequency of usage rather than their complexity. Numerous examples are given of the kanji compounds and derivatives used to form everyday words in Japanese. .

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