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Geisha Assassin X Smartass Hacker (Samurai Superheroes Saga) (Volume 2)

di KuroKoneko Kamen

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Jake and Ultraviolet both try to come to terms with their feelings but cyborg criminals keep getting in their way. Geisha Assassin Sheego has a hit on Dr. Simon Watts and the SSF are charged with protecting him. Mr. Suit, Jake and Ultraviolet visit the NANO Rehab Hospital where Dr. Watts shows them people who have completely turned into robots. Jake finally comes face-to-face with Nova Inara who asks Jake to leave the SSF and join her!When Galaxy Girl and Red Dragon mysteriously disappear on a mission, Jake and Mr. Suit go looking for them and end up facing a new Nemesis Zero - Zero Three - a.k.a Dr. Tre and his bloodthirsty living-metal sword, Kuchisake Onna. Jake discovers he has a new ability and can de-robotisize people. While Jake and Galaxy Girl go on a date, an anti-tech, fanatical, priest named Father Daemon kidnaps Ultraviolet.When Bulldozer and Jake go to the VR ET Tech Monster Truck Rally, Father Daemon appears and holds everyone at the dome hostage, threatening to blow the dome sky-high if everyone doesn't sacrifice their androids by letting them get crushed by high-tech monster trucks! Ultraviolet is in danger but Jake won't let her die alone. Go Samurai Cowboy, Go!… (altro)
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Jake and Ultraviolet both try to come to terms with their feelings but cyborg criminals keep getting in their way. Geisha Assassin Sheego has a hit on Dr. Simon Watts and the SSF are charged with protecting him. Mr. Suit, Jake and Ultraviolet visit the NANO Rehab Hospital where Dr. Watts shows them people who have completely turned into robots. Jake finally comes face-to-face with Nova Inara who asks Jake to leave the SSF and join her!When Galaxy Girl and Red Dragon mysteriously disappear on a mission, Jake and Mr. Suit go looking for them and end up facing a new Nemesis Zero - Zero Three - a.k.a Dr. Tre and his bloodthirsty living-metal sword, Kuchisake Onna. Jake discovers he has a new ability and can de-robotisize people. While Jake and Galaxy Girl go on a date, an anti-tech, fanatical, priest named Father Daemon kidnaps Ultraviolet.When Bulldozer and Jake go to the VR ET Tech Monster Truck Rally, Father Daemon appears and holds everyone at the dome hostage, threatening to blow the dome sky-high if everyone doesn't sacrifice their androids by letting them get crushed by high-tech monster trucks! Ultraviolet is in danger but Jake won't let her die alone. Go Samurai Cowboy, Go!

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