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Floral Designs Coloring Book: Flower Patterns & Mandalas for Relaxation

di Pepper Kaufman

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Those who incorporate creative methods to relieve stress in their lives are often far happier and healthier than those who don't. Meditation, or some form of introspective balancing, can help greatly. It takes time, effort, and true commitment to develop such skills, right? Well, not if you introduce coloring into your life. Spend just a few minutes a day coloring these floral patterns and mandala designs. It may not change your life, but it can certainly help you feel more focused and centered. Of course, once you start, you most likely won't want to stop. It isn't necessarily about creating a work of art. It's about reducing stress, relaxing, enhancing your creativity, focusing on your center, improving your chi, improving your health... and having tons of fun in the process! Sometimes, true joy comes from the simplest actions. Images range from relatively easy to complex. Enjoy!* There are 30 beautiful images to color. * Images are printed on only one side of the page* To ensure bleed-through isn't an issue when using markers, place a thin piece of cardboard between the pages.… (altro)
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Those who incorporate creative methods to relieve stress in their lives are often far happier and healthier than those who don't. Meditation, or some form of introspective balancing, can help greatly. It takes time, effort, and true commitment to develop such skills, right? Well, not if you introduce coloring into your life. Spend just a few minutes a day coloring these floral patterns and mandala designs. It may not change your life, but it can certainly help you feel more focused and centered. Of course, once you start, you most likely won't want to stop. It isn't necessarily about creating a work of art. It's about reducing stress, relaxing, enhancing your creativity, focusing on your center, improving your chi, improving your health... and having tons of fun in the process! Sometimes, true joy comes from the simplest actions. Images range from relatively easy to complex. Enjoy!* There are 30 beautiful images to color. * Images are printed on only one side of the page* To ensure bleed-through isn't an issue when using markers, place a thin piece of cardboard between the pages.

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