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The Boy from France

di Hilary Freeman

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Everybody at school has heard that some of the French exchange students will be boys, and all girls are desperate to host one of them. All except Vix, who isn't bothered who she gets. She can't imagine that French boys are any better than English boys-and they all seem to be a waste of space. Anyway, she has enough to do, what with schoolwork, seeing her friends, and helping out her sick mum. There's no time for a boyfriend. Vix's exchange student does turn out to be a boy, named Xavier. And he's gorgeous-and charming. And has a sexy French accent. All her friends and schoolmates are jealous, especially when Xavier seems to have eyes for nobody but Vix. But as usual life is very complicated. What does Xavier really think about her? Is he just playing a game? With the help of her friends Rosie and Skye, Vix needs careful steering through her first big romance. AUTHOR: Hillary Freeman is an experienced journalist and agony aunt, working for newspapers, including The Times and Daily Mail, magazines and websites, as well as on TV and radio. She is currently the agony aunt for Sky.… (altro)
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Everybody at school has heard that some of the French exchange students will be boys, and all girls are desperate to host one of them. All except Vix, who isn't bothered who she gets. She can't imagine that French boys are any better than English boys-and they all seem to be a waste of space. Anyway, she has enough to do, what with schoolwork, seeing her friends, and helping out her sick mum. There's no time for a boyfriend. Vix's exchange student does turn out to be a boy, named Xavier. And he's gorgeous-and charming. And has a sexy French accent. All her friends and schoolmates are jealous, especially when Xavier seems to have eyes for nobody but Vix. But as usual life is very complicated. What does Xavier really think about her? Is he just playing a game? With the help of her friends Rosie and Skye, Vix needs careful steering through her first big romance. AUTHOR: Hillary Freeman is an experienced journalist and agony aunt, working for newspapers, including The Times and Daily Mail, magazines and websites, as well as on TV and radio. She is currently the agony aunt for Sky.

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