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Lebbeus Woods: Anarchitecture : Architecture Is a Political Act

di Lebbeus Woods

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21Nessuno1,086,983 (4)Nessuno
The visionary architecture of Lebbeus Woods is concerned with the cultural regeneration of society, directly confronting urban landscapes and social and political conditions presently undergoing radical transformations. His projects, including the recent Berlin-Free-Zone, Zagreb-Free-Zone and Double Landscape, Vienna, propose architecture as an instrument of social transformation. For him it is an instrument of both individuality and community and in this contradiction, he finds an energy for change at once ironical and affirmative. Freedom for the individual and therefore society means not just the lack of stylistic constraints but a questioning of the constraints imposed by function and structure, the breaking down of barriers and the evolution of new types of space and structures - the free Space Structures visualized in his graphic work.… (altro)
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The visionary architecture of Lebbeus Woods is concerned with the cultural regeneration of society, directly confronting urban landscapes and social and political conditions presently undergoing radical transformations. His projects, including the recent Berlin-Free-Zone, Zagreb-Free-Zone and Double Landscape, Vienna, propose architecture as an instrument of social transformation. For him it is an instrument of both individuality and community and in this contradiction, he finds an energy for change at once ironical and affirmative. Freedom for the individual and therefore society means not just the lack of stylistic constraints but a questioning of the constraints imposed by function and structure, the breaking down of barriers and the evolution of new types of space and structures - the free Space Structures visualized in his graphic work.

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