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Who Let the Dog Out?: An Andy Carpenter…
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Who Let the Dog Out?: An Andy Carpenter Mystery (An Andy Carpenter Novel) (edizione 2015)

di David Rosenfelt (Autore)

Serie: Andy Carpenter (13)

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23012119,690 (3.92)2
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Suspense. HTML:

A lawyer by day-and then only when he's forced to take on new cases-Andy Carpenter's true passion is the Tara Foundation, the dog rescue organization he runs with his friend Willie Miller. So it's frightening when Willie calls him to say the alarm has gone off at the foundation building, and there's clearly been a break-in. It turns out that a recently rescued dog, nicknamed Cheyenne since her arrival at the foundation, has been stolen. Andy and Willie track the missing dog to a house in downtown Paterson, New Jersey and sure enough, they find the dog...standing right next to a dead body. The man had been gruesomely murdered mere minutes before Andy and Willie arrived. Could it be a coincidence? Or could the dog theft somehow be connected to the killing?
Andy takes Cheyenne safely back to the foundation building, and that should be the end of his involvement, but Andy's curiosity-and his desire to keep the dog from further harm-won't let him stop there. The cops have just arrested a man named Tommy Infante for the murder, but as Andy looks into the circumstances surrounding the break-in and the dog theft, he starts to wonder if Infante might actually be innocent. And when Andy takes Infante on as a client and starts searching in earnest for evidence that will exonerate him, what Andy starts to discover terrifies him. The murder might be just one small cog in a plot with far-reaching implications, and unless Andy can uncover the truth in time, thousands of lives could be in imminent danger.
Once again David Rosenfelt has written a fast-paced and clever mystery with his characteristic blend of humor, larger-than-life characters, and propulsive plotting.

.… (altro)
Titolo:Who Let the Dog Out?: An Andy Carpenter Mystery (An Andy Carpenter Novel)
Autori:David Rosenfelt (Autore)
Info:Minotaur Books (2015), 336 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Who Let the Dog Out? di David Rosenfelt

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» Vedi le 2 citazioni

An Andy Carpenter story just doesn't disappoint. I was happy to see that the same characters make appearances in the K-9 series....such a good crew!!! ( )
  nyiper | Oct 11, 2023 |
OK, 5 stars for being the Andy Carpenter series, although there's always a possibility for disappointment. A remote possibility. So far, I haven't been disappointed. Maybe if Marcus doesn't make an appearance or two I would, but so far I've been lucky in that regard. If you've been sleeping under a rock and haven't read any of this series, Marcus is kind of a low-key super-hero. He's basically strong, fast, and all-knowing. If you get in trouble and he's anywhere in the same country, you don't need to worry. He'll show up and put down any bad guys before you know he's there.

Other than that, it's a story about a lawyer and some dogs, a few senior citizens in a computer club, and some other regulars. If this doesn't sound like an interesting read, ignore me and read it anyway. I won't waste your time telling you what it's about, because it really doesn't matter. ( )
  MartyFried | Oct 9, 2022 |
family-dynamics, friendship, situational-humor, verbal-humor, snark-fest, gangsters, law-enforcement, private-investigators, lawyers, dogs, murder, murder-investigation

Take a wisemouthed lawyer who can afford to take semi retirement by only representing innocent clients while supporting an animal shelter, add in that his wife is no longer law enforcement but works as his private investigator and more and you have the baseline for this convoluted mystery. There are many other people who help Andy find out what the truth really is and make it courtroom admissible. Well-crafted murder mystery!
Lots of twists and turns in the plot and the characters certainly are, but there's no need for spoilers or an attempt at a summary. I found it to be a real brain grabber and was surprised to find that it is the most recent in a series! At no time does the reader feel lost or as if missing background info.
Grover Gardner narrates this complicated snarkfest very well! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Dec 30, 2020 |
Finding this book was a treat — I thought I’d read the whole Andy Carpenter series. The reader, Grover Gardner, is one I’ve not heard before. He portrays Andy in a nasal whine, slightly squeaky and faintly ridiculous. This is not the Andy Carpenter I “know.” I’m debating whether I can listen to this 7-hour recording without beginning to ridicule and perhaps dislike Andy. MacMillan Audio made a baaaad choic of narrator! ( )
  SharronA | Aug 3, 2020 |
Funny and a great plot just as expected. This was one of his funniest yet. And to see Andy Carpenter as a dad is a great stretch for him. ( )
  MichelleConnell | Sep 26, 2018 |
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Suspense. HTML:

A lawyer by day-and then only when he's forced to take on new cases-Andy Carpenter's true passion is the Tara Foundation, the dog rescue organization he runs with his friend Willie Miller. So it's frightening when Willie calls him to say the alarm has gone off at the foundation building, and there's clearly been a break-in. It turns out that a recently rescued dog, nicknamed Cheyenne since her arrival at the foundation, has been stolen. Andy and Willie track the missing dog to a house in downtown Paterson, New Jersey and sure enough, they find the dog...standing right next to a dead body. The man had been gruesomely murdered mere minutes before Andy and Willie arrived. Could it be a coincidence? Or could the dog theft somehow be connected to the killing?
Andy takes Cheyenne safely back to the foundation building, and that should be the end of his involvement, but Andy's curiosity-and his desire to keep the dog from further harm-won't let him stop there. The cops have just arrested a man named Tommy Infante for the murder, but as Andy looks into the circumstances surrounding the break-in and the dog theft, he starts to wonder if Infante might actually be innocent. And when Andy takes Infante on as a client and starts searching in earnest for evidence that will exonerate him, what Andy starts to discover terrifies him. The murder might be just one small cog in a plot with far-reaching implications, and unless Andy can uncover the truth in time, thousands of lives could be in imminent danger.
Once again David Rosenfelt has written a fast-paced and clever mystery with his characteristic blend of humor, larger-than-life characters, and propulsive plotting.


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