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Happiness for Beginners di Katherine Center
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Happiness for Beginners (edizione 2020)

di Katherine Center (Autore)

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4401959,001 (3.91)7
Fiction. Literature. HTML:

In this exuberant novel, a thirtysomething-year-old woman embarks on a wilderness survival course and discovers that sometimes you have to leave things behind in order to find yourself.

A year after getting divorced, Helen Carpenter, thirty-two, lets her annoying younger brother talk her into signing up for a wilderness survival course. It's supposed to be a chance for her to pull herself together again, but when she discovers that her brother's even more annoying best friend is also coming on the trip, she can't imagine how it will be anything other than a disaster. Thus begins the strangest adventure of Helen's well-behaved life: three weeks in the remotest wilderness of a mountain range in Wyoming, where she will survive mosquito infestations, a surprise summer blizzard, and a group of sorority girls.

Yet despite everything, the vast wilderness has a way of making Helen's own little life seem bigger, too. And somehow, the people who annoy her the most start teaching her the very things she needs to learn. Like how to stand up for herself. And how being scared can make you brave. And how sometimes you just have to get really, really lost before you can even have a hope of being found.

… (altro)
Titolo:Happiness for Beginners
Autori:Katherine Center (Autore)
Info:Griffin (2020), Edition: Reprint, 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Katherine Center, romance, brother's best friend, he falls first, hiking, family, contemporary fiction

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La felicità per principianti di Katherine Center

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» Vedi le 7 citazioni

Read because of the Netflix movie. In a rare occurance - I enjoyed the movie more than the book.

It’s an almost identical plot but the characters are older in the movie and it makes more sense to me in that context.

There’s nothing really spectacular about movie or book. Both are cute and fun enough but nothing with a real WOW ( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
Cute book about a young woman looking to shake up her life, and improve herself. A Netflix film was recently released, so I will watch that soon. ( )
  BoundTogetherForGood | Oct 1, 2023 |
Quick read. Enjoyable. ( )
  cathy.lemann | Mar 21, 2023 |
Divorced and depressed woman sets out on extreme wilderness outing to rediscover herself, but to her chagrin is joined by her brother’s friend 10 years her junior. She finds true love. Some self-discovery depth here. ( )
  bereanna | Feb 8, 2023 |
I loved this. I’m pretty sure Katherine Center and I went on the exact same Outward Bound trip—down to the meadow, the snow, and the evac. The only difference was my solo was truly solo, but I also woke up to animal hoof prints around my tarp. Weird coincidences for sure, and maybe those drew me into the story more than it would another reader, but I also loved the slow-burn romance and how this book made me cry when I wasn’t expecting it. Great summer read! ( )
1 vota eringill | Dec 25, 2022 |
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A mio marito Gordon per il nostro ventesimo anniversario.

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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

In this exuberant novel, a thirtysomething-year-old woman embarks on a wilderness survival course and discovers that sometimes you have to leave things behind in order to find yourself.

A year after getting divorced, Helen Carpenter, thirty-two, lets her annoying younger brother talk her into signing up for a wilderness survival course. It's supposed to be a chance for her to pull herself together again, but when she discovers that her brother's even more annoying best friend is also coming on the trip, she can't imagine how it will be anything other than a disaster. Thus begins the strangest adventure of Helen's well-behaved life: three weeks in the remotest wilderness of a mountain range in Wyoming, where she will survive mosquito infestations, a surprise summer blizzard, and a group of sorority girls.

Yet despite everything, the vast wilderness has a way of making Helen's own little life seem bigger, too. And somehow, the people who annoy her the most start teaching her the very things she needs to learn. Like how to stand up for herself. And how being scared can make you brave. And how sometimes you just have to get really, really lost before you can even have a hope of being found.


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