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The Jackal of Nar di John Marco
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The Jackal of Nar (originale 1999; edizione 1999)

di John Marco (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
524848,255 (3.48)10
The first of a new fantasy series A fast-paced epic with enormous scope, believable and appealing characters and an impressively imagined world. The Empire of Nar is being torn apart by the ambitions of its states and the lax rule of its Emperor. The balance has been tipped by the unleashing of magic by the sorcerer Tharn. The Emperor wants control of the magic, Tharn wants to rule the Empire and countless thousands of people are caught up in the struggle. And now the love of Prince Richius's life has been spirited away by Tharn. But all is not what it seems. Richius is a flawed hero pursuing a woman he has met just once. The Emperor is greedy and lazy, while Tharn is a dying man touched by the gods and struggling to use his power for good.… (altro)
Titolo:The Jackal of Nar
Autori:John Marco (Autore)
Info:Bantam (1999), Edition: First Paperback Edition, 768 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

Informazioni sull'opera

The Jackal of Nar di John Marco (1999)

  1. 00
    The Jewel in the Skull di Michael Moorcock (Jarandel)
    Jarandel: Remarkable similarities in the careers of the protagonists, and the feel of the main antagonists. Being your typical door-stopper, the Jackal gets more sprawling and detailed though, and also starts comparatively earlier in Richius Vantran's life, what would be the rough equivalent of the opening scenes of Hawkmoon taking place maybe halfway through.… (altro)
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» Vedi le 10 citazioni

I remember loving this, being really addicted to it - I can't remember what age I was now. About 16/17 but I don't think I'd like it now for some reason I'm not sure. I'm just not into adult kind of fantasy.And I just couldn't get into the second book either which is a shame. I would like to re-read. I wonder if the library has it... ( )
  Ayling | Dec 28, 2010 |
Brillant! Although it was very difficult to get into at the beginning - the reason for this being character names and place names etc, being a bit overwhelming at first. Your trying to figure out what's going on through characters conversations - not easy. However, once your past that - the story is brillant, with lots of twists and turns. Characters are well developed (even ones that don't last too long!). Can't wait for the next one. ( )
1 vota WillieD | Feb 21, 2010 |
John Marco has proved to be a very talented and entertaining writer. I admit that the book started out a bit slow for me. Perhaps it was being thrown into a war situation with John using terms (e.g. Drol, gog, Triin) that I didn't comprehend. After I figured out the vocabulary the book really started to take shape. I was most impressed by the depiction of the shear villany of Biagio and Blackwood Gayle. Sending a box containing the severed head of a someone's wife is definitely a startling way to make a point.
Within the first hundred pages I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with this series. After finishing the book I am definitely going to read the second, "A Grand Design." This book is highly recommended.
( )
1 vota rdjanssen | Mar 3, 2008 |
Riveting, I devoured this book and I can't wait to get started on the next.

Excellent, I had no trouble following the story, the battle scenes were believable and I didn't forecast quite a few of the events to come which was good.

I gasped and held my breath as though I were watching a movie. In fact and although movies don't normally do a book justice, I'd love to watch this story.

And as a former WOW player, I imagined the desription of some of the people and landscapes from places in the world of warcraft. LOVED IT! ( )
2 vota vivaraquel | Jan 15, 2008 |
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Taylor, GeoffImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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The first of a new fantasy series A fast-paced epic with enormous scope, believable and appealing characters and an impressively imagined world. The Empire of Nar is being torn apart by the ambitions of its states and the lax rule of its Emperor. The balance has been tipped by the unleashing of magic by the sorcerer Tharn. The Emperor wants control of the magic, Tharn wants to rule the Empire and countless thousands of people are caught up in the struggle. And now the love of Prince Richius's life has been spirited away by Tharn. But all is not what it seems. Richius is a flawed hero pursuing a woman he has met just once. The Emperor is greedy and lazy, while Tharn is a dying man touched by the gods and struggling to use his power for good.

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