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Pig the Pug

di Aaron Blabey

Serie: Pig the Pug (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,6352311,236 (4.1)4
Pig is a selfish pug who does not want to share his toys with his canine housemate, Trevor--until an accident teaches him the value of friendship.
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» Vedi le 4 citazioni

{My thoughts} – Aaron Blabey is quickly becoming one of my favorite children’s authors. He has quite a few incredible book series out there. I am really happy to see this one become a board book set, because it’s one that I am sure my three year old is going to enjoy.

Pig is a pug and he doesn’t want to share his toys. He says they are all his and he shouldn’t have to. He collects them all into a pile, he stands on it and he falls and gets hurt.

I like how this story shows that sharing is important. It also shows that when you don’t share you hurt others as well as yourself. It is a good lesson for littles to hear and learn.

The illustrations and the words go together nicely. It is written in a type of rhyme format but the whole thing isn’t rhyme. It all flows really well and is easy to read and understand.

I really do hope that the rest of the series is released in this format as it is one I look forward to getting for my littles. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
Independent Reading Level: K-2nd grade
Awards: N/A
  simmsall | Apr 24, 2024 |
Independent Reading Grades k-2
  haleyamercer | May 8, 2023 |
Pig is a pig and I’m sorry to be doesn’t like to share
  Georgia98 | Mar 22, 2023 |
This book is so cool and I love the message behind it. The book outlines the message of sharing is caring which is an important concept to reiterate to little children.
In this book there is pug that is named pig and in this book he learns a valuable lesson about sharing. Pig's owner bring another dog into there home and he really wants to play with Pig's toys. Pig does not like the fact that there is a new dog or that the new dog wants to play with his toys. Pig was starting to get really greedy as time went by and his greedyness got worse. It got to the point of where he piled up all his toys and sat on the topo of the pile. The pile collapsed and Pig ended up falling to the ground and getting hurt. From that day on Pig and the new dog were friends and he learned to share his toys. ( )
  MakenzieOpat | Mar 9, 2022 |
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Pig is a selfish pug who does not want to share his toys with his canine housemate, Trevor--until an accident teaches him the value of friendship.

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Riassunto haiku

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Media: (4.1)
1 2
2 1
3 12
3.5 1
4 18
4.5 2
5 26

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