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Spirit Animals: The Book of Shane #1

di Nick Eliopulos

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Fantasy. Juvenile Fiction. HTML:This trilogy of e-shorts shines a light on one of the most compellingâ??and dangerousâ??villains of the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling series. There are two sides to every story. Throughout their quest to save the world, Conor, Abeke, Meilin, and Rollan have faced off against a brutal enemy force: the Conquerors. Their vicious tactics have toppled countries and devastated families. Shane is a Conqueror. A boy himself, he's been both a mysterious friend and cunning foe to the heroesâ??with a past more complicated than any of them realized. Now Shane's story will finally be told . . . and history will be written by the victors. Author Bio Nick Eliopulos is the author of Spirit Animals: The Book of Shane, a series of e-novellas set in the world of the bestselling multi-platform series. His short stories have appeared in Spirit Animals: Tales of the Great Beasts and Stuck in the Middle: Seventeen Comics from an Unpleasant Age. An avid fan of comics, games, and monster movies, he lives in Brooklyn and works in Manhattan as an editor of books for kids a… (altro)
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Fantasy. Juvenile Fiction. HTML:This trilogy of e-shorts shines a light on one of the most compellingâ??and dangerousâ??villains of the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling series. There are two sides to every story. Throughout their quest to save the world, Conor, Abeke, Meilin, and Rollan have faced off against a brutal enemy force: the Conquerors. Their vicious tactics have toppled countries and devastated families. Shane is a Conqueror. A boy himself, he's been both a mysterious friend and cunning foe to the heroesâ??with a past more complicated than any of them realized. Now Shane's story will finally be told . . . and history will be written by the victors. Author Bio Nick Eliopulos is the author of Spirit Animals: The Book of Shane, a series of e-novellas set in the world of the bestselling multi-platform series. His short stories have appeared in Spirit Animals: Tales of the Great Beasts and Stuck in the Middle: Seventeen Comics from an Unpleasant Age. An avid fan of comics, games, and monster movies, he lives in Brooklyn and works in Manhattan as an editor of books for kids a

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