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Dreams from My Father, Okay?: The Secret Memoir of Mitt Romney

di John Sedgwick

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In what the Washington Post has called "the scoop of the century,” the author and political operative John Sedgwick discovered Mitt Romney’s secret tell-all memoir in the Romney family vault in the basement of the Mormon tabernacle built in 1867 by Mitt Romney’s great grandfather. Never intended for publication, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER, OKAY? lays out, for the first time, aspects of the Romney psyche that have long been baffling mysteries. Among them: Romney’s reservations about his Mormon faith, his troubled marriage, his tortured relationship with his father, his insatiable political ambitions, his sexual hang-ups, and his abiding hatred for his dog, Seamus. Fiercely controversial, this work has become the center of an intense legal dispute that is likely to take years to resolve. The book’s many revelations have already been seized on by both presidential campaigns, and the memoir seems destined to be a pivotal issue in the fall election. "Amazing in its way, but nowhere near as good as mine.” President Barack Obama, author of Dreams From My Father. "I always thought the guy was nuttier than a barrel full of pecans--but now I know I was wrong. It’s two barrels.” James Carville, political consultant, author of Had Enough? A Handbook for Fighting Back "If you believe his memoir, as I do, Mr. Romney is utterly preposterous. If I were to ask, which is the least ridiculous thing about him--his religion, his politics, his character, or his dog, no one would doubt the answer.” Mark Twain, author of Huckleberry Finn.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daI-Hate-Reading, bloewen36

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In what the Washington Post has called "the scoop of the century,” the author and political operative John Sedgwick discovered Mitt Romney’s secret tell-all memoir in the Romney family vault in the basement of the Mormon tabernacle built in 1867 by Mitt Romney’s great grandfather. Never intended for publication, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER, OKAY? lays out, for the first time, aspects of the Romney psyche that have long been baffling mysteries. Among them: Romney’s reservations about his Mormon faith, his troubled marriage, his tortured relationship with his father, his insatiable political ambitions, his sexual hang-ups, and his abiding hatred for his dog, Seamus. Fiercely controversial, this work has become the center of an intense legal dispute that is likely to take years to resolve. The book’s many revelations have already been seized on by both presidential campaigns, and the memoir seems destined to be a pivotal issue in the fall election. "Amazing in its way, but nowhere near as good as mine.” President Barack Obama, author of Dreams From My Father. "I always thought the guy was nuttier than a barrel full of pecans--but now I know I was wrong. It’s two barrels.” James Carville, political consultant, author of Had Enough? A Handbook for Fighting Back "If you believe his memoir, as I do, Mr. Romney is utterly preposterous. If I were to ask, which is the least ridiculous thing about him--his religion, his politics, his character, or his dog, no one would doubt the answer.” Mark Twain, author of Huckleberry Finn.

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