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The Tyrant (The Golden Chronicles Book 3) di…
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The Tyrant (The Golden Chronicles Book 3) (originale 1987; edizione 2015)

di Patricia Veryan (Autore)

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972288,988 (4.43)4
Brooks was gallant, handsome, and loved her dearly, and perhaps Phoebe loved him in return. But thoughts of her betrothed fled the evening her brother enlisted her aid with his rebel cause--and Phoebe met her match with Meredith Carruthers, The Tyrant. His handsome face and devilish eyes befit Lucifer himself. Worse, when Phoebe's outraged father discovered the two of them alone--Carruthers was forced to offer for her!! Phoebe soon found herself at the monstrous collection of ruins Carruthers called a home, thwarting the attempts of militia men and bounty hunters, caught up in a web of danger...and in the elusive secrets of her own passionate heart.… (altro)
Titolo:The Tyrant (The Golden Chronicles Book 3)
Autori:Patricia Veryan (Autore)
Info:St. Martin's Press (2015), 354 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Da leggere

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The Tyrant di Patricia Veryan (1987)

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The Tyrant is my favorite of the series so far. Almost perfect-Loved it! ( )
  mary23nm | Feb 27, 2019 |
Auch hier läuft Veryan wieder zu Höchstform auf, wenn es um leidende Helden geht. Diesmal ist es ein eher rauher Typ, dem man seine Verletzlichkeit nicht gleich ansieht. Aber dann erhascht man einen ersten Blick auf seinen inneren Widerstreit ... und ist verloren. Seufz.
  nipomuki | Jul 25, 2008 |
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Brooks was gallant, handsome, and loved her dearly, and perhaps Phoebe loved him in return. But thoughts of her betrothed fled the evening her brother enlisted her aid with his rebel cause--and Phoebe met her match with Meredith Carruthers, The Tyrant. His handsome face and devilish eyes befit Lucifer himself. Worse, when Phoebe's outraged father discovered the two of them alone--Carruthers was forced to offer for her!! Phoebe soon found herself at the monstrous collection of ruins Carruthers called a home, thwarting the attempts of militia men and bounty hunters, caught up in a web of danger...and in the elusive secrets of her own passionate heart.

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