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Abraham: One Nomad's Amazing Journey of…
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Abraham: One Nomad's Amazing Journey of Faith (edizione 2014)

di Charles R. Swindoll (Autore)

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When we rewind history back to Abraham's era, we encounter people who concocted false superstitions to explain the unexplainable. Powerful kings claimed to be gods, building massive pyramids to achieve immortality. Out of this mass of misunderstandings, one man emerged. The man we know today as Abraham not only claimed that one true Creator existed but also staked his entire life on this belief. Why, thousands of years later, are we still discussing the faith of this desert nomad? One of America's most popular Bible teachers, Pastor Chuck Swindoll, answers that question and many more in this compelling and insightful biography that will inspire your own faith.… (altro)
Titolo:Abraham: One Nomad's Amazing Journey of Faith
Autori:Charles R. Swindoll (Autore)
Info:Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (2014), 288 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri

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Abraham: One Nomad's Amazing Journey of Faith di Charles R. Swindoll

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A recommended read!

I have read other books and I have been in several Bible. studies that refer to the story of Abraham but, no one writes a Biblical biography like Charles Swindoll.
I felt like this book was speaking directly to me in some, okay most, places. Chuck's ability to put the timeless truth of Abraham into focus for life today is amazing. ( )
  slhayes | Jul 2, 2016 |
Case 4 shelf 1
  semoffat | Aug 6, 2021 |
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When we rewind history back to Abraham's era, we encounter people who concocted false superstitions to explain the unexplainable. Powerful kings claimed to be gods, building massive pyramids to achieve immortality. Out of this mass of misunderstandings, one man emerged. The man we know today as Abraham not only claimed that one true Creator existed but also staked his entire life on this belief. Why, thousands of years later, are we still discussing the faith of this desert nomad? One of America's most popular Bible teachers, Pastor Chuck Swindoll, answers that question and many more in this compelling and insightful biography that will inspire your own faith.

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