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Heart Recaptured di Tillie Cole
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Heart Recaptured (edizione 2016)

di Tillie Cole (Autore)

Serie: Hades Hangmen MC (2)

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13811204,940 (4.19)Nessuno
Fiction. Romance. Even salvation can be delivered through the love of the damned...Beauty can be a curse.Faith can be a cage.Only love can set you free.A few long weeks after being reluctantly ripped from the comforting embrace of her sacred prophet's religious commune—the only life she has ever known—a terrified Delilah is thrust into a world enveloped by evil and swimming in sin.Steadfastly devout in her faith, and retaining the deep belief that her soul is innately tarnished as a branded 'Cursed woman of Eve', Delilah is determined to find her way home to her people in The Order and away from the corrupt and damned outlaw motorcycle club—The Hades Hangmen—who hold her at their secluded compound for her protection—a 'protection' she strongly resents.Delilah yearns to return home, convinced that only amongst her own people, and under the holy guidance of the Lord's revealed prophet, can her Satan-spawned soul be truly saved. Conditioned her entire life to believe she is a witch... a life-long temptress... the devil's whore... Delilah increasingly resents her beautiful face, her shapely body and her sensuous effect on men. But when a man of the motorcycle club—a deeply sinful yet stunningly beautiful man—is charged with her care, Delilah begins to see that this dangerous and moralless sinner from the 'outside' may offer her something she did not know could truly exist: unconditional love.Kyler 'Ky' Willis loves his life: a daily abundance of brotherhood, liquor, the freedom of the open-road and—best of all—his pick of hot women. Raised a biker brat and now VP of the most notorious MC in the States, Ky has no shortage of club sluts warming his bed; a situation he takes full advantage of... until a certain blonde enters his life... a gorgeous pilgrim-blonde he can't get out of his head... a pilgrim-blonde he and his club recently-rescued from some backward religious cult... and a pilgrim-blonde he's been ordered to keep the hell away from and his whorish hands off.When yet another in a lengthy line of drunken blunders forces Ky to reluctantly take charge of the pilgrim-blonde's care, he realizes that there could be more to this woman than just supermodel looks and a stacked set of tits. He begins to see that she could be the woman who could do the impossible—tame his wild ways and capture his reluctant heart.But the unyielding bonds of Lilah's past are strong, her 'people' determined and, with a new Prophet in charge and hell bent on revenge, they are mightily reluctant to let her go...Dark Contemporary Romance.Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, disturbingly sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language, and very mature topics.Recommended for age 18 years and up*.… (altro)
Titolo:Heart Recaptured
Autori:Tillie Cole (Autore)
Info:Audible Studios (2016)
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Heart Recaptured di Tillie Cole

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[b:Heart Recaptured|22107044|Heart Recaptured (Hades Hangmen, #2)|Tillie Cole||41452288] by [a:Tillie Cole|7074846|Tillie Cole|]
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Crime, Erotica, Romance, Suspense.
3.5 Stars

I like the series so far. I just don't love it. It hasn't hit the sweet spot that keeps me intrigued. My biggest problem is the repetitive thoughts of both main characters. It also contains numerous editing errors. It is interesting, but I am having trouble connecting with it.

Ky is amusing and brings a lot to the story. Delilah is whacked out and beyond nuts. There is quite a bit of action, violence, and suspense. Some of it is very graphic and disturbing. Those are my favorite parts of the story.

I can understand why a lot of people like this series. I'm just not sure if this series is for me. I'm going to continue to the next book soon. ( )
  bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
so far i love the series, i am a little bummed because i couldn't find the 'valentine short story' ( )
  ckelship | Oct 10, 2021 |
okay, i ended up loving this book.

i was a little on the fence about this one at first, i wasn’t sure i could deal with Lilah being brainwashed. but! i love her and she didn’t bother me so much after reading probably 30% through the book. i just wanted her to come to terms with everything she’d been through, and i wanted her and ky to understand each other and be together. the ending was lovely, but i’m not looking forward to any more cult shenanigans. if the next book involves maddie getting kidnapped or any of the girls being kidnapped again im gonna yawwwnnnn because thats just gonna be too much for me lol.

i do look forward to flame and maddie action!! i love them both and i’m excited to how things go down with them!!
( )
  beethovensfruit | Aug 21, 2021 |
Wow. I mean, wow. I'm not sure what else to say about this book. I thought the first one was intense, but that one doesn't hold a patch on Heart Recaptured. I just can't get over everything in this book. Seriously. Lilah is so amazingly, profoundly broken, and she fractures more in this book.

Lilah, as one of the Cursed, was isolated, abused, and molested. When her sister Mae is kidnapped and brought back the cult they were both members of, her lover and his motorcycle club come to get her back. During that raid, they rescue Lilah and Maddie. One of her rescuers was Ky, the second in charge in the club. He's struck by her beauty and is seriously attracted to her. But since she has spent her entire life hearing that she's got the Devil inside her and she has the power to tempt a man and hold him under his spell, she is sure she's sinning, somehow.

Ky is a big old slut. He likes women and he will go out and do any and every woman possible. He doesn't want to be tied down to anyone. His dad always told him to not worship any women. So, why can't he get Lilah out of his head?

I really hate this cult. They are a bunch of hypocrites, and what their elders are able to do in the name of their religion should get them castrated, at the very least. I'm pretty sure that I can come up with some worse things to happen to them, if I think about it hard enough. I hope that the Hangmen end up wiping them off the face of the earth somehow. What they did to Lilah and how they warped and fractured her is just beyond cruel and torture. Tillie does almost too well at describing the inner workings of the cult and their thinking. I'm horrified by their choices, but it makes for good reading.

Now that I've finished this one, it's on to the next one and to see what happens with Maddie. ( )
  tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
Holy hell

My heart can hardly handle what these woman endured. This is MC at it finest. Raw, gritty, real, and ruthless.

This author has me hooked. ( )
  MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Tillie Coleautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Harding, J. F.Narratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Summers, BiffNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Warren, BunnyNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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"Come sister, we must to go now!" Mae urged as she hurried to pull Maddie and I through our decimated commune, her lover's men leading the way ahead.
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Fiction. Romance. Even salvation can be delivered through the love of the damned...Beauty can be a curse.Faith can be a cage.Only love can set you free.A few long weeks after being reluctantly ripped from the comforting embrace of her sacred prophet's religious commune—the only life she has ever known—a terrified Delilah is thrust into a world enveloped by evil and swimming in sin.Steadfastly devout in her faith, and retaining the deep belief that her soul is innately tarnished as a branded 'Cursed woman of Eve', Delilah is determined to find her way home to her people in The Order and away from the corrupt and damned outlaw motorcycle club—The Hades Hangmen—who hold her at their secluded compound for her protection—a 'protection' she strongly resents.Delilah yearns to return home, convinced that only amongst her own people, and under the holy guidance of the Lord's revealed prophet, can her Satan-spawned soul be truly saved. Conditioned her entire life to believe she is a witch... a life-long temptress... the devil's whore... Delilah increasingly resents her beautiful face, her shapely body and her sensuous effect on men. But when a man of the motorcycle club—a deeply sinful yet stunningly beautiful man—is charged with her care, Delilah begins to see that this dangerous and moralless sinner from the 'outside' may offer her something she did not know could truly exist: unconditional love.Kyler 'Ky' Willis loves his life: a daily abundance of brotherhood, liquor, the freedom of the open-road and—best of all—his pick of hot women. Raised a biker brat and now VP of the most notorious MC in the States, Ky has no shortage of club sluts warming his bed; a situation he takes full advantage of... until a certain blonde enters his life... a gorgeous pilgrim-blonde he can't get out of his head... a pilgrim-blonde he and his club recently-rescued from some backward religious cult... and a pilgrim-blonde he's been ordered to keep the hell away from and his whorish hands off.When yet another in a lengthy line of drunken blunders forces Ky to reluctantly take charge of the pilgrim-blonde's care, he realizes that there could be more to this woman than just supermodel looks and a stacked set of tits. He begins to see that she could be the woman who could do the impossible—tame his wild ways and capture his reluctant heart.But the unyielding bonds of Lilah's past are strong, her 'people' determined and, with a new Prophet in charge and hell bent on revenge, they are mightily reluctant to let her go...Dark Contemporary Romance.Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, disturbingly sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language, and very mature topics.Recommended for age 18 years and up*.

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