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Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch's…
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Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual (Beyond 101) (edizione 2006)

di Jason Miller

Serie: Beyond 101

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Everyone, whether they practice witchcraft or not, is susceptible to unwanted spells and curses. The difference is that witches and magicians can do something about it. Now you can too. Protection & Reversal Magick is a complete how-to guide to preventing, defending, and reversing magical attacks of any kind. Here, renowned scholar and magick practitioner Jason Miller shows readers how to: - Set up early-warning systems - Appease angry spirits through offerings - Perform banishings and make amulets that will prevent most attacks - Make magical "decoys" to absorb attacks against you - Summon guardian spirits or gods for help - Bind, confuse, or expel a persistent enemy who will not leave you be These are practical techniques for wiccans, witches, ceremonial magicians, root doctors, and anyone else who puts magick to a practical use. Like the cunning men and women of old, now you can defend yourself and your loved ones against even the strongest attacks. This edition features a new introduction by the author and updates to the chapters.… (altro)
Titolo:Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual (Beyond 101)
Autori:Jason Miller
Info:New Page Books (2006), Edition: 1, Paperback, 224 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual di Jason Miller

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This book isn't for the fluffy practicioner, nor is it for the unbalanced that see shadows and enemies everywhere. It's a book on how to defend yourself from attacks. You won't find any three fold law in these pages, to my great relief. I love this. Miller draws from several traditions that he has worked with over the years to provide a good basis for protection and magick reversal. Like I said, this book isn't for everyone. But I highly recommend it for the serious practitioner. ( )
2 vota Nazgullie | Jan 19, 2012 |
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Everyone, whether they practice witchcraft or not, is susceptible to unwanted spells and curses. The difference is that witches and magicians can do something about it. Now you can too. Protection & Reversal Magick is a complete how-to guide to preventing, defending, and reversing magical attacks of any kind. Here, renowned scholar and magick practitioner Jason Miller shows readers how to: - Set up early-warning systems - Appease angry spirits through offerings - Perform banishings and make amulets that will prevent most attacks - Make magical "decoys" to absorb attacks against you - Summon guardian spirits or gods for help - Bind, confuse, or expel a persistent enemy who will not leave you be These are practical techniques for wiccans, witches, ceremonial magicians, root doctors, and anyone else who puts magick to a practical use. Like the cunning men and women of old, now you can defend yourself and your loved ones against even the strongest attacks. This edition features a new introduction by the author and updates to the chapters.

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