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The Godless: Emancipated Soul (Volume 1)

di Suren Fant

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Centuries ago, when Earth was not under the control of God, it was ruled by a cruel and heartless creature called Neuron. Coming to our planet, God saw how Neuron treated his subordinates. God and Satan decided to take Earth under their wing. It was very difficult mission. Afterwards, God and Satan adapted all people and their emotions. Time passed. History became a myth, and the myth became a tale, then forgotten forever. In the twenty-first century, a young man from a wealthy family discovers hidden potential within him. With his new abilities, Aren is sure there isn't anything to prevent him anymore from getting what he wants in life, but soon the hunting for him begins. He has nobody to ask for help and nobody he can trust. All he can do is escape. But these are not humans hounding him; they bear powers Aren has never seen in his whole life.Who are they? Why do they seek Aren? What does Aren have that they long for? While Aren tries to find answers and to find somebody who can help him, he realizes that he has discovered a myth lost a long time ago and behind it, the angels who are hunting him.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dasasta, Ermina, JMHD1975, jadedjenny71, surenfant
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Centuries ago, when Earth was not under the control of God, it was ruled by a cruel and heartless creature called Neuron. Coming to our planet, God saw how Neuron treated his subordinates. God and Satan decided to take Earth under their wing. It was very difficult mission. Afterwards, God and Satan adapted all people and their emotions. Time passed. History became a myth, and the myth became a tale, then forgotten forever. In the twenty-first century, a young man from a wealthy family discovers hidden potential within him. With his new abilities, Aren is sure there isn't anything to prevent him anymore from getting what he wants in life, but soon the hunting for him begins. He has nobody to ask for help and nobody he can trust. All he can do is escape. But these are not humans hounding him; they bear powers Aren has never seen in his whole life.Who are they? Why do they seek Aren? What does Aren have that they long for? While Aren tries to find answers and to find somebody who can help him, he realizes that he has discovered a myth lost a long time ago and behind it, the angels who are hunting him.

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