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Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor Box Set: When You DareTrace of FeverSavor the DangerA Perfect StormWhat Chris Wants

di Lori Foster

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10Nessuno1,894,427 (4.5)Nessuno
New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster brings you the Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor - five hot heroes for one amazing price! WHEN YOU DAREProfessional mercenary Dare Macintosh knows business should never be personal - but when Molly Alexander asks him to help her track down the men who'd had her kidnapped, Dare just might be tempted to break all his rules. TRACE OF FEVEROn a mission to take down a dirty smuggling ring, undercover operative Trace Rivers falls for the ringleader's long-lost daughter. But can he trust her with the truth - and with his heart? SAVOR THE DANGERAlani Rivers has vowed never to trust a man again - but something about strong, sexy vigilante Jackson Savor makes her want to believe in second chances - A PERFECT STORMBounty hunter Spencer Lark knows too much about Arizona Storm, including the nightmare she survived. Yet nothing has prepared him for her courage under fire - or for the desire she stirs in him. WHAT CHRIS WANTS (novella)As the right-hand man to a group of take-no-prisoners mercenaries, Chris Chapey is used to keeping secrets - until he meets Matt Houser, the one man who tempts him to bare his heart.… (altro)
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New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster brings you the Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor - five hot heroes for one amazing price! WHEN YOU DAREProfessional mercenary Dare Macintosh knows business should never be personal - but when Molly Alexander asks him to help her track down the men who'd had her kidnapped, Dare just might be tempted to break all his rules. TRACE OF FEVEROn a mission to take down a dirty smuggling ring, undercover operative Trace Rivers falls for the ringleader's long-lost daughter. But can he trust her with the truth - and with his heart? SAVOR THE DANGERAlani Rivers has vowed never to trust a man again - but something about strong, sexy vigilante Jackson Savor makes her want to believe in second chances - A PERFECT STORMBounty hunter Spencer Lark knows too much about Arizona Storm, including the nightmare she survived. Yet nothing has prepared him for her courage under fire - or for the desire she stirs in him. WHAT CHRIS WANTS (novella)As the right-hand man to a group of take-no-prisoners mercenaries, Chris Chapey is used to keeping secrets - until he meets Matt Houser, the one man who tempts him to bare his heart.

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