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Lobo's Howliday di C. L. Murphy
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Lobo's Howliday

di C. L. Murphy

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It's almost Christmas and Santa finds himself in quite the predicament due to unintended consequences as a result of trying something new. Lobo, and his raven sidekick, Roxy, travel to the North Pole to help the jolly ole' one and are guided by the Arctic animals. The colors of the season delight along the way and make for a howling good holiday. Can you howl Ho Ho Ho?… (altro)
Titolo:Lobo's Howliday
Autori:C. L. Murphy
Info:Peanut Butter Prose
Collezioni:Picture Book, Children's Books, In lettura, La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Christmas, holidays, North Pole, Santa, Rudolph, wolf pups, ravens, polar bears, Arctic fox, Arctic mouse, Christmas Eve, Santa's Christmas run, picture book, children's book

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Lobo's Howliday (The Adventures of Lovable Lobo, #4) di C. L. Murphy

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Loveable Lobo is BACK! Now he is going away. Santa needs Lobo’s help. But why? What can Lobo do that Rudolf cannot? Well, that was my question too. A beautiful snowy owl flew to Lobo, dropping a package near his paws. Roxy, lobo’s raven friend, assumes the package is for him and becomes quite excited . . . until it moved. An Arctic mouse crawls out of the sack. He says his name is Arty and tells Lobo the package is a “very important letter.”

“Dear Lobo,
Please come to the North Pole.
I need your help.
Love, Santa.”

What an ominous message. Lobo, for a pup, is a brave wolf. Arty hops on Lobo’s back and leads the way to the North Pole. Oh, Roxy hops on, too. Of course he does, of course he does! Lobo tired out his pup heart out running as far as he did. Finally, tired and sleepy, they stop at a den. Arty knows the Arctic fox inhabiting the den and the three spend the night.

The dark morning arrives, because it is always dark in the winter. Always. Lobo is appropriately worried about finding his way in a strange land without light of day. Something special, which would be awesome to see in person, helps the trio of travelers find their way in the dark. The Northern Lights are “rainbow(s) in the sky.” The illustrations of the Northern Lights are fantastic. No, that is wrong. The illustrations are stunning. I looked at those two pages longer than needed simply because the colors used made the sky light up like nothing I have ever seen.

Lobo and friends get to the North Pole and Santa’s Village after a bit more traveling help from two new arctic creatures. Once there, Santa tells Lobo he needs him to accompany him on his midnight run, Christmas Eve. I thought Rudolf was hurt, or his light went out, or he eloped. Nope, Rudolf has become an addict. The author does not use that word. She keeps it kid friendly. But when a creature is eating candy day and night, to the point their life changes and not for the good, what else can you call it. So Santa needs Lobo’s help with Christmas deliveries.

I think Lobo’s Howliday is the most imaginative Lobo yet. The author put some Christmas goggles on while writing this edition of The Adventures of Loveable Lobo series. Lobo meets interesting characters on his journey to the North Pole and Santa’s dilemma surprised me. Boys will love this Santa. He is a new and technologically improved Santa. Roxy, Lobo’s raven pal, remains her kooky repetitive self. Yes she does, yes she does! Lobo is still the handsome, happy, helpful pup who sees the good in everything—at least at first. Oh, he is also loveable!

Kids will love Lobo’s Howliday and why not. This outing is best yet. The illustrations explode with color and seem to pop off the screen (or paper). When I first saw this, I thought it was some new 3-D trick with Photoshop. With each edition of Loveable Lobo, Ms. Murphy expertise improves. The stories get better, the illustrations get better, and the writing gets better.

Originally reviewed by Kid Lit Reviews ( )
  smmorris | Jan 14, 2014 |
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It's almost Christmas and Santa finds himself in quite the predicament due to unintended consequences as a result of trying something new. Lobo, and his raven sidekick, Roxy, travel to the North Pole to help the jolly ole' one and are guided by the Arctic animals. The colors of the season delight along the way and make for a howling good holiday. Can you howl Ho Ho Ho?

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