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The Epistle to the Hebrews: High Priest in Heaven

di Lawrence R. Farley

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38Nessuno670,170 (4)Nessuno
The Hebrew Christians of apostolic-era Palestine were tempted to fall back into Jewish ways because of persecution and a lack of understanding of the true uniqueness and significance of Christ. The anonymous writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews exhorts them to stand fast, finish the race, and attain the promises awaiting the faithful.About the Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series:This commentary was written for your grandmother and for your plumber. That is, it was written for the average layperson, for the nonprofessional who feels a bit intimidated by the presence of copious footnotes, long bibliographies, and all those other things which so enrich the lives of academics. Working from a literal translation of the original Greek, this commentary examines the text section by section, explaining its meaning in everyday language. Written from an Orthodox and patristic perspective, it maintains a balance between the devotional and the exegetical, feeding both the heart and the mind.… (altro)
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The Hebrew Christians of apostolic-era Palestine were tempted to fall back into Jewish ways because of persecution and a lack of understanding of the true uniqueness and significance of Christ. The anonymous writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews exhorts them to stand fast, finish the race, and attain the promises awaiting the faithful.About the Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series:This commentary was written for your grandmother and for your plumber. That is, it was written for the average layperson, for the nonprofessional who feels a bit intimidated by the presence of copious footnotes, long bibliographies, and all those other things which so enrich the lives of academics. Working from a literal translation of the original Greek, this commentary examines the text section by section, explaining its meaning in everyday language. Written from an Orthodox and patristic perspective, it maintains a balance between the devotional and the exegetical, feeding both the heart and the mind.

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