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Ravage Me (Ravage MC #1) (Volume 1) di Ryan…
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Ravage Me (Ravage MC #1) (Volume 1) (edizione 2014)

di Ryan Michele (Autore)

Serie: Ravage MC (1)

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After spending the last two years stuck behind bars for a crime she didn't commit, Harlow "Princess" Gavelson's time inside has finally come to an end, and she's ready for revenge. Unfortunately, being the daughter to the vice president of the Ravage Motorcycle Club cuts into her plans, as orders must be followed. After spending years in hell overseas, Donavon "Cruz" came home to lose the very thing he went into hell for, sending him to the darkest moments of his life. Joining Ravage two years ago was his safe haven, and he protects his family at all costs. When a dark-haired bombshell struts into the club's shop, Cruz immediately knows that she's the one he'd do anything for. Tough as nails, and taking no crap from anyone, he's captivated by a woman who could handle this life. Trying to meet the needs of the MC business and follow his heart, however, proves to be difficult when the two collide. Can Cruz and Harlow find a way to be together, or will the needs of Ravage cost them everything, including their lives? Contains mature themes.… (altro)
Titolo:Ravage Me (Ravage MC #1) (Volume 1)
Autori:Ryan Michele (Autore)
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2014), 270 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Ravage Me di Ryan Michele

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While I never really warmed up to "Princess" it wasn't a bad book. I really loved Cruz and Cooper! ( )
  DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Ravage Me is a story that was recommended to me by a friend on Instagram. I had been looking for some gritty MC romance and I can safely or unsafely say, that I most definitely found it. Lately I have seen so much tame MC romance and when I read MC romance sometimes I want the edge and grit to it. I so was looking for some Joanna Wylde vibes and I absolutely found it with this one here. I was so drawn into this story, and yeah we get lots of angst, tension and alpha goodness from both the hero and heroine! And it kicks booty y'all. Now it wasn't a perfect read, but it was so entertaining and definitely what I was looking for.

The set up of the story is that our heroine has just been released from prison, after being accused of a crime she didn't commit. But she grew up in the Ravage MC and she knows the MC life and she is willing to make whatever sacrifices she needs to for her club even if she can never be fully part of it. She is the daughter to the VP of the club and knows what her sacrifice means. Now she has freedom, and she runs into a brother she doesn't know.....Donavan "Cruz" and tensions rise between them. There is a powerful chemistry between them, but Harlow is determined NEVER to be with a brother. She made a vow never to step over that line. But Cruz is determined to show Harlow who is boss and that they are worth fighting for. He has responsibilities to the club and to his son, but Harlow is a woman worth keeping no matter her reservations. But there is a plot to put Harlow back in prison, and it will take the whole club working together to make sure that doesn't happen.

My Outlook
This book was definitely full of grit! If you like your MC really edgy, then this author is a must read for you. Its definitely edgy and violent....SO VIOLENT! Just fair warning before reading this one, that it definitely has darker elements when it comes to vengeance and the hard life of the MC. But I absolutely loved it at the same time. We have characters that are both hard. Harlow and Cruz are both alphas and so they clash. haha But what I really loved the most, was seeing the softer side to their characters. In the quiet moments of them together, is where their intimacy really blossoms. Cruz is a single dad and when we see Harlow with his 2 year old boy, MY HEART!! She just changes for this precious little child who is so curious and has so much love for Harlow. And what she will do to protect him, just won me over so easily. I love that we see another side to Harlow grow....she still kicks ass though! haha The hero is UBER ALPHA. So if you like that vibe, then you definitely gotta grab this one up here. ( )
  addictofromance | Apr 27, 2023 |
The female main character in this is about as kick-ass as you can get. She's tougher and meaner than most of the men. It makes her a little hard to like or identify with at times, but she's certainly a welcome change.
I enjoyed it, although some things niggled a bit. It could have done with one more proofread too, but it's not riddled with errors. ( )
  AngelaJMaher | Jun 18, 2018 |
Ravage MeI am a total sucker for any MC book, (I have Madeline Sheehan to thank for that one). Saying that I will tell you that this book ROCKED IT! It was a fabulous book. Reading so much sometimes its hard to find that strong female, yes they are there in the end but not from the start. And let me tell you Princess” (Don’t let that name fool you) had herself together from the first word uttered. She was strong, faithful and should I just say a bad a*s! It was amazing to watch her rein it in when she had to because she knew the “lifestyle”. Knowing when and how to use your assets is always a plus no matter what those said assets are. And the confidence that emanated from her, knowing who she was …Fantastic! And Cruz oh holy hell, he was the strong Alpha Male with out smashing who or what Princess was. He knew from first look that she was who he wanted and refused to settle for anything less, no matter what she would be his. (Goose Bumps Much?) And then them together, WOW! It was good to see. I would have to say my only big fault with this book was that it ended. I wasn’t ready to end my journey with Harlow & Cruz. I can’t wait to see what's coming next!!

★Jammie ( )
  JRCook1 | Feb 8, 2014 |
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After spending the last two years stuck behind bars for a crime she didn't commit, Harlow "Princess" Gavelson's time inside has finally come to an end, and she's ready for revenge. Unfortunately, being the daughter to the vice president of the Ravage Motorcycle Club cuts into her plans, as orders must be followed. After spending years in hell overseas, Donavon "Cruz" came home to lose the very thing he went into hell for, sending him to the darkest moments of his life. Joining Ravage two years ago was his safe haven, and he protects his family at all costs. When a dark-haired bombshell struts into the club's shop, Cruz immediately knows that she's the one he'd do anything for. Tough as nails, and taking no crap from anyone, he's captivated by a woman who could handle this life. Trying to meet the needs of the MC business and follow his heart, however, proves to be difficult when the two collide. Can Cruz and Harlow find a way to be together, or will the needs of Ravage cost them everything, including their lives? Contains mature themes.

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