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Sto caricando le informazioni... The Complete Works of Henry Jamesdi Henry James
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Appartiene alle Collane EditorialiDelphi Classics (Series 01 Book 10) ContieneThe Ambassadors, vol. 1 di Henry James (indirettamente) The Ambassadors, vol. 2 di Henry James (indirettamente)
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)813.4Literature English (North America) American fiction Later 19th Century 1861-1900Classificazione LCVotoMedia:
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It's very nicely formatted, with what seems to be a fully linked Table of Contents for the novels and other works -- and, for the stories, the option of an alphabetical ToC or a chronological one. Also, it seems so far that each novel contains its own ToC for a chapter break-down.
Any James aficionado is going to want the entire Library of America set, but if you've also got a Kindle, this eBook is a very convenient all-in-one of just about everything Jamesian in a compact electronic format. I don't know about its availability for other devices like Nook.
Based on its fairly clean, reasonably typo-free text (at least for as much as I've used it so far) and its very nicely linked Tables of Contents, I definitely give this Kindle version *****. ( )