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Rockstar Ghost

di KuroKoneko Kamen

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Rosalie Galloway is a gloomy girl who fully believes her life is cursed. She suffers from social anxiety, lives in the ghetto of LA alone in a small apartment with her five black cats, dreams of becoming a nurse so that she can help her father who is dying of cancer, and, oh yeah...she can see ghosts. Just when things seem like they couldn't possibly get any worse, Rosalie encounters the ghost of a famous rockstar while reminiscing on Rodeo Drive; Blake White - the ex-lead singer of the popular, American punk rock band: Erotic Corpses.Rosalie doesn't want to get herself mixed up with the arrogant ghost but Blake manages to blackmail the medium into helping him investigate the mystery of his murder so he can get his revenge. Blake pushes Rosalie to get hired by Wraythe Records, and has her pose as a stylist so that she can get as close as possible to the potential murder suspects. Anyone closest to Blake is under suspicion, including his ex-band mates: the stoic lead guitarist Devon Decayn, the cheerful bassist Joey Bones, and the playboy drummer Vincent Sangre. In order to uncover the truth, Rosalie will have to go on dates with Blake's handsome band mates...even though she's never even had a boyfriend before!Revenge...has never looked so hot.… (altro)
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Rosalie Galloway is a gloomy girl who fully believes her life is cursed. She suffers from social anxiety, lives in the ghetto of LA alone in a small apartment with her five black cats, dreams of becoming a nurse so that she can help her father who is dying of cancer, and, oh yeah...she can see ghosts. Just when things seem like they couldn't possibly get any worse, Rosalie encounters the ghost of a famous rockstar while reminiscing on Rodeo Drive; Blake White - the ex-lead singer of the popular, American punk rock band: Erotic Corpses.Rosalie doesn't want to get herself mixed up with the arrogant ghost but Blake manages to blackmail the medium into helping him investigate the mystery of his murder so he can get his revenge. Blake pushes Rosalie to get hired by Wraythe Records, and has her pose as a stylist so that she can get as close as possible to the potential murder suspects. Anyone closest to Blake is under suspicion, including his ex-band mates: the stoic lead guitarist Devon Decayn, the cheerful bassist Joey Bones, and the playboy drummer Vincent Sangre. In order to uncover the truth, Rosalie will have to go on dates with Blake's handsome band mates...even though she's never even had a boyfriend before!Revenge...has never looked so hot.

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