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Abby Spencer goes to Bollywood di Varsha…
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Abby Spencer goes to Bollywood (edizione 2014)

di Varsha Bajaj

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What thirteen-year-old Abby wants most is to meet her father. She just never imagined he would be a huge film star--in Bollywood! Now she's traveling to Mumbai to get to know her famous father. Abby is overwhelmed by the culture clash, the pressures of being the daughter of India's most famous celebrity, and the burden of keeping her identity a secret. But as she learns to navigate her new surroundings, she just might discover where she really belongs.… (altro)
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Adorable and fun! A Bollywood version of the "I found out my dad is a prince" genre of stories. (When is the movie coming out?!?!?) ( )
  akbooks | Sep 12, 2019 |
Got this as an ARC on NetGalley. Very cute, a little predictable. Was a bit worried by some of the stereotypical comments and hope that if there are more (of it becomes a series), she will learn more about her Indian background and become more open minded as she becomes more educated. I also did not enjoy how she just went on and on, in typical teen girl fashion, but it was very similar to how actual teen girls think and feel and I think the intended audience will enjoy it. ( )
  MrsThakkar | May 20, 2018 |
Adult Reader Reaction: Abby is a girl with whom many single-parent children and every adopted child can relate. She has an authentic voice that asks the questions that are part of their mindset. The diverse set of characters (life roles, not just ethnicity) was a big plus for me. Abby will likely open eyes of readers who are not part of multicultural families.

Pros: Abby brings readers into her journey of self discovery with an authentic voice and humor. She is an ambassador of the joys that come from being open to new ideas, new places, and everyone around you.

Read our full review and add yours at The Reading Tub®.
  TheReadingTub | Feb 28, 2015 |
For thirteen years Abby Spencer has lived in Houston, Texas with her mother and her grandparents. She’s been waiting until her mother thinks she’s “old enough” to have “the Conversation” about who her father is. Then an allergic reaction at the frozen yogurt shop makes the time now. Her father, a student from India, was her mother’s college boyfriend. They’ve been out of touch for Abby’s whole life. When Abby’s mother makes contact to get medical information about allergies they discover that her dad is one of the most popular film stars in India! The next thing she knows, Abby is on a transcontinental flight to Mumbai to meet her father, an extremely famous Bollywood “rhymes with Tex-Mex” symbol! Oh My Goodness!! ( )
  MaowangVater | Oct 25, 2014 |
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What thirteen-year-old Abby wants most is to meet her father. She just never imagined he would be a huge film star--in Bollywood! Now she's traveling to Mumbai to get to know her famous father. Abby is overwhelmed by the culture clash, the pressures of being the daughter of India's most famous celebrity, and the burden of keeping her identity a secret. But as she learns to navigate her new surroundings, she just might discover where she really belongs.

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