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Rainbow Bridge Link With the Soul - Purification (Rainbow Bridge Series)

di Two Disciples

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"MASTERPIECES OF MEDITATION," to quote the LEADING EDGE REVIEW: "Alice Bailey transcribed a metaphysical teaching directly from the words of an ascended Tibetan Master in her 'blue books.' These can be considered the 'theoretical Physics' of the inner planes...The Two Disciples who wrote the RAINBOW BRIDGE I & II have to be considered the master technologists who have adapted & made practical that immense theory of metaphysics. In these two masterpieces of meditation, they have elucidated a hands-on technique for meditation that is probably the most effective method for purifying the transpersonal vehicles & linking them to the pure light of the Soul that has ever been published. Phase I is the structure, theory & beginning disciplines that are used to create the proper understanding before the process of bringing in...Soul energy begins. Phase II includes additional 'clean away' the cloudy & unnecessary energies that surround the individual...This process is immediately effective..." With over 45,000 copies now in print, RAINBOW BRIDGE continues to be a best seller as well as a classic. To order: Rainbow Bridge Productions, P.O. 76, Port Townsend, WA, 98368.… (altro)
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"MASTERPIECES OF MEDITATION," to quote the LEADING EDGE REVIEW: "Alice Bailey transcribed a metaphysical teaching directly from the words of an ascended Tibetan Master in her 'blue books.' These can be considered the 'theoretical Physics' of the inner planes...The Two Disciples who wrote the RAINBOW BRIDGE I & II have to be considered the master technologists who have adapted & made practical that immense theory of metaphysics. In these two masterpieces of meditation, they have elucidated a hands-on technique for meditation that is probably the most effective method for purifying the transpersonal vehicles & linking them to the pure light of the Soul that has ever been published. Phase I is the structure, theory & beginning disciplines that are used to create the proper understanding before the process of bringing in...Soul energy begins. Phase II includes additional 'clean away' the cloudy & unnecessary energies that surround the individual...This process is immediately effective..." With over 45,000 copies now in print, RAINBOW BRIDGE continues to be a best seller as well as a classic. To order: Rainbow Bridge Productions, P.O. 76, Port Townsend, WA, 98368.

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