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Murder as a Second Language: A Claire Malloy…
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Murder as a Second Language: A Claire Malloy Mystery (Claire Malloy Mysteries) (edizione 2013)

di Joan Hess (Autore)

Serie: Claire Malloy (19)

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1203235,467 (3.26)6
"Claire Malloy--now a married woman of leisure--tries her hand at volunteering, but instead lands her right in the middle of another murder investigation Longtime bookseller and single mother, Claire Malloy has recently married her long term beau and moved out of her less than opulent apartment into a sprawling, newly remodeled house. Her daughter, Caron, is making plans for college. All of which leaves Claire with something she hasn't had in quite a while: spare time. When her attempts to learn French cooking start getting "mixed" reviews, she agrees to help Caron and her best friend Inez in fluffing up their college applications by volunteering as an ESL tutor with the Farberville Literacy Council. But her modest effort to give back quickly becomes a nightmare when she's railroaded onto the Board of Directors of the troubled nonprofit. Vandalism, accusations of embezzlement, epic budget problems, and a cacophony of heavily-accented English speakers are just the tip of the iceberg. Just as she decides that it might be best to extricate herself, Claire gets a frantic call from her husband, Deputy Chief Peter Rosen. One of the students, an older Russian woman named Ludmilla, famed for her unpleasantness, has been murdered in the offices of the Farberville Literary Council. For the first time ever, Peter actually asks Claire for her help, and Hess brings a new depth to this fan-favorite series"--… (altro)
Titolo:Murder as a Second Language: A Claire Malloy Mystery (Claire Malloy Mysteries)
Autori:Joan Hess (Autore)
Info:Minotaur Books (2013), Edition: First Edition, 304 pages

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Murder as a Second Language di Joan Hess

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"Why's your shirt covered in blood?" Caron asked as she sat down at the kitchen Island and held up her cell phone to capture the moment.
"It's mostly tomato sauce, " I said peering at the recipe. There were twenty-two ingredients, and I was facing number sixteen: "easy aioli." Apparently, it was too easy to suggest directions. I did not have Julia Child on speed dial. Number seventeen in the recipe was one cup of dry white wine. An excellent idea. I poured myself a cup and leaned against the counter, temporarily stymied but not yet defeated.
  taurus27 | Jun 28, 2021 |
I am a sucker for good cozy mysteries, and Joan Hess’ Claire Malloy series is one of the best. I started at the beginning and have read a good number of the books, but I have missed the last few. I chose Murder As A Second Language for my morning walks and am glad I did. Light and engaging with a main character who is smart, savvy, sassy and a bit sarcastic, this novel kept me laughing and guessing as I racked up the miles. This is the first book I have read since Claire’s marriage to hunky Deputy Chief of Police, Peter Rosen. But not much has really changed; Claire is on her own quite a bit with her daughter Caron’s independent high school activities and Peter’s long hours on a murder case. Claire is especially nosy inquisitive and inserts herself wherever trouble is. The murder at the Literacy Council with all its feuding board members and international students is puzzling and kept me on my toes.

Recommended for fans of secular cozy mysteries.

Audience: adults. ( )
  vintagebeckie | Oct 2, 2015 |
Synopsis: Claire has gotten the man, house, and life of her dreams, so why is she looking for something else to fill her time? Because she's bored. Caron and Inez volunteer to help people learn English and Claire decides that she'll do some volunteer work, too. However, rather than tutoring she is asked to become a member of the board and help untangle some financial issues. After one of the students is killed, Claire realizes that it's not simply financial issues that plague the Literacy Council, but what appears to be blackmail, drugs, and perhaps illegal entry into the US.
Review: There is a nice edge of menace and several trails that lead the reader into subplots. I would have liked to have seen more development of the illegal alien thread and more about Duke; perhaps these will be the topic of another Faberville mystery. This story just didn't seem as 'sharp' as previous writings; what about the camera in the copy room and what happened with Rick and Austin seemed to be an after thought rather than a wrap-up to the plot. ( )
  DrLed | Apr 15, 2015 |
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"Claire Malloy--now a married woman of leisure--tries her hand at volunteering, but instead lands her right in the middle of another murder investigation Longtime bookseller and single mother, Claire Malloy has recently married her long term beau and moved out of her less than opulent apartment into a sprawling, newly remodeled house. Her daughter, Caron, is making plans for college. All of which leaves Claire with something she hasn't had in quite a while: spare time. When her attempts to learn French cooking start getting "mixed" reviews, she agrees to help Caron and her best friend Inez in fluffing up their college applications by volunteering as an ESL tutor with the Farberville Literacy Council. But her modest effort to give back quickly becomes a nightmare when she's railroaded onto the Board of Directors of the troubled nonprofit. Vandalism, accusations of embezzlement, epic budget problems, and a cacophony of heavily-accented English speakers are just the tip of the iceberg. Just as she decides that it might be best to extricate herself, Claire gets a frantic call from her husband, Deputy Chief Peter Rosen. One of the students, an older Russian woman named Ludmilla, famed for her unpleasantness, has been murdered in the offices of the Farberville Literary Council. For the first time ever, Peter actually asks Claire for her help, and Hess brings a new depth to this fan-favorite series"--

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