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Parisian Chic Weekly Planner 2013

di Inès de La Fressange

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Ines de la Fressange shares fifty-two new secrets in this elegant and humorous weekly planner that is the chicest way to organize your schedule in style. Following up on the success of their New York Times best seller Parisian Chic: A Style Guide by Ines de la Fressange, the same author duo has teamed up to write a year’s worth of weekly fashion tips in this new daily planner. Ines de la Fressange shares fresh style and beauty tips, as well as her light-hearted guidelines for enjoying life to the fullest. From January through December, she offers specific pointers on how to dress like a Parisian—including everything from how to add pizzazz to a simple jeans-and-t-shirt uniform to what to wear on New Year’s Eve—and no-nonsense do’s and don’ts that will have you smiling and looking your best throughout the year. This weekly planner is an elegant accessory in itself, featuring a deep red faux leather cover with gold foil stamp, rounded edges, a ribbon page marker for easy place holding, creamy offset aquarelle paper, four-color printing, charming drawings by Ines, and an address book. This is the must-have engagement calendar for any woman who wants to add a touch of Paris to her handbag and to stay on top of her oh-so-chic lifestyle.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dajanjamm, dwazir

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Ines de la Fressange shares fifty-two new secrets in this elegant and humorous weekly planner that is the chicest way to organize your schedule in style. Following up on the success of their New York Times best seller Parisian Chic: A Style Guide by Ines de la Fressange, the same author duo has teamed up to write a year’s worth of weekly fashion tips in this new daily planner. Ines de la Fressange shares fresh style and beauty tips, as well as her light-hearted guidelines for enjoying life to the fullest. From January through December, she offers specific pointers on how to dress like a Parisian—including everything from how to add pizzazz to a simple jeans-and-t-shirt uniform to what to wear on New Year’s Eve—and no-nonsense do’s and don’ts that will have you smiling and looking your best throughout the year. This weekly planner is an elegant accessory in itself, featuring a deep red faux leather cover with gold foil stamp, rounded edges, a ribbon page marker for easy place holding, creamy offset aquarelle paper, four-color printing, charming drawings by Ines, and an address book. This is the must-have engagement calendar for any woman who wants to add a touch of Paris to her handbag and to stay on top of her oh-so-chic lifestyle.

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