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Four years later : a novel di Monica Murphy
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Four years later : a novel (edizione 2014)

di Monica Murphy

Serie: Callahan / Maguire Universe (5 | Owen Maguire + Chelsea), One Week Girlfriend (4)

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9911283,502 (4)2
Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Bestselling author Monica Murphy winds up her sensational series with this sexy story of two college kids with nothing in common but a bunch of baggage and a burning attraction.
Over. That about sums up everything in my life. Suspended from my college football team and forced to cut back my hours at The District bar because of my crappy grades, I cant keep turning to my sister, Fable, and her pro-football playing husband, Drew, to bail me out. I just cant seem to find my own way. Weed and sex are irresistible temptationsand its messed up that I secretly hand over money to our junkie mom. A tutor is the last thing I want right nowuntil I get a look at her.
Chelsea is not my type at all. Shes smart and totally shy. Im pretty sure shes even a virgin. But when she gives me the once over with those piercing blue eyes, Im really over. But in a different way. I wont deny her ass is killer, but its her brain and the way she seems to crave lovelike no ones ever given her anythat make me want her more than any girl Ive ever met. But what would someone as seemingly together as her ever see in a screwed up guy like me?
Praise for Four Years Later
Another great entry into the series and a perfect way to close out what started with One Week Girlfriend. As always, Monica Murphy gives us such great characters, giving them such depth and emotions that its hard not to love them from the minute you meet them on the page.Cocktails and Books
An engaging, heavily character-driven new adult [novel] that brings us the story of a much beloved character. Seamless writing flows effortlessly as Murphy sets up the plot elements and begins her story of love, loss, redemption, and forgiveness. . . . Four Years Later was a delight to read.Smexy Books
Monica Murphy has created an unforgettable series. Her writing is honest, gritty, romantic and entertaining. Her characters are very real people that readers can relate to. We embrace them in our hearts. Their lives and stories will stay with [us] long after the book is finished. It is no wonder that this series is an all-time favorite. . . . The One Week Girlfriend series has been an amazing reading journey that has touched my heart.Hesperia Loves Books
Emotional and gratifying . . . This romance was full of tension and longing! . . . Monica Murphy has another win with Four Years Later. Owen and Chelseas story was touching and passionate, and is sure to make you sigh in contentment by the end.Waves of Fiction
What a fantastic ending to an amazing series! . . . It took my emotions on a roller coaster ride but hey, all the good books do! . . . Four books and I still want more! Im not quite sure I could ever get enough of these characters. Theyre all complex, and beautifully broken in their own ways. Combine that with Monica Murphys fantastic writing skills and you always have a winner.Down the Rabbit Hole
Its official! When it comes to NA romances and inner monologues, Monica Murphy is a queen! . . . I highly recommend Four Years Later! If you read the earlier books then you just have to get this one too. It was wonderful to see how the earlier couples are faring . . . but Monica Murphy...
… (altro)
Titolo:Four years later : a novel
Autori:Monica Murphy
Info:New York : Bantam Books Trade Paperbacks, [2014]
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Four Years Later di Monica Murphy

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Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
This was a good book, lacked some depth but overall a good read, not one I would read again, but like the writing style.
  nkbk0108 | Jul 30, 2014 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I loved Drew and Fable and their story in One Week Girlfriend and Second Chance Boyfriend (plus their novella). I completely fell in love with them. The bits and pieces we got about Owen, Fable's little brother, in their books drew me in to wanting to read his story. I'm so glad Owen got his own story! This can be read as a standalone. You get references to Owen's relationships with Fable and Drew from the previous books, but Drew and Fable's love story is not really spoiled, so newcomers to this series can still go back and read their books (which I loved).

Four Years Later is set when Owen is in college. Owen's life and upbringing have been far from easy or ideal. Fable did her best to help raise Owen, but their manipulative addict of a mother did a number on him, and despite new stability with Drew as a male role model in his life, his sister's unconditional love, and the opportunities of college and football, Owen is still drowning in the aftereffects of the mind games he's been dealt as well as the repercussions of his poor recent choices. He is lost and confused and losing hope quickly. But I loved Owen. There was something honest and innocent in his voice despite the lack of innocence in his life. He had to grow up too quickly, never being given the opportunity to ease into life. I hurt for the guy. I loved that we got to see him step back, taking on a new relationship and looking at his current life as well as his future differently, allowing him to mature and grow into himself. Yet he still remained Owen, just improved.

Then there's Chelsea, who has her own bucket of family drama to deal with. I could relate to Chelsea's shy side, her awkwardness, her insecurities. She was smart and felt out of place often. But I loved that she didn't force herself to be someone she wasn't, even if that lessened her social opportunities. She was a great contrast to Owen, but they also had a lot in common. Watching their relationship develop was very sweet, yet contained just enough drama to keep things interesting. These two had their work cut out for them in the trust and family department, but I appreciated the care that was taken to look at their circumstances in an honest fashion. Owen and Chelsea were really great; their chemistry, their conversations, their trepidations, their belief in the other, their patience and exploration of each other, and the way they were finally able to trust each other. I was rooting for these two hearts who had been dealt a lousy hand, that they would find the jackpot with each other.

Owen and Chelsea's story was just what I needed to finish off this series. I loved getting to know them and was taken on a beautiful journey once again. I'm also so happy to have gotten glimpses into Drew and Fable's life, and baby Autumn. I will miss these characters and their stories. ( )
  teaparty5 | Jul 9, 2014 |
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

“So they think you want to get in my panties. What if I told you I don’t wear any?”

Until last month, I hadn’t read any of Monica Murphy’s books. Not for lack of wanting to, just lack of available reading time. When Three Broken Promises became available, even though I hadn’t read about Drew & Fable, I jumped at the chance. I emailed a friend and asked what I needed to know, and when she told me that the two main characters weren’t really in the other books, I dove in head first! It was then that I fell in love with MM. When I saw that Owen would have a book, I became even more excited.

Like its title, Owen and Chelsea’s book begins four years after Drew & Fable meet. Chelsea is a new character and Owen is Fable’s brother. From what I gather, Owen hasn’t changed much since high school and is still on a path of destruction. Our character’s meet when he needs a tutor for his English classes, which he has fallen extremely behind on. Owen is a smart guy, he just doesn’t have any drive or inclination of what he wants to do with his future. I felt his constant struggle; it hurt my heart. These were two broken people thrust into a situation neither could escape from.

How can I say no? After all, I’m still his tutor.
His girlfriend.
His rose.
His home.

There was something so magical about watching their story unfold. Watching as they came to realizations separately and together over things they didn’t before realize. Owen’s mother infuriated me and I longed for the day he broke free from her. His turmoil and misguided loyalty to her was completely understandable, though frustrating. The back and forth, the push and pull, it had me wanting to rip my hair clear out of my scalp. But throughout all this angst, I saw through to the heart of Owen. And when you can see Owen’s heart, well, that’s a beauty to behold and treasure. Here was a kid who life gave up on yet he hadn’t given up on himself. He longed for a true family, someone whom he could call his own and love unconditionally. I felt his sadness in my bones and I just wanted to give him a hug.

Chelsea is a little girl who was lost, one who had to grow up before she was ready, essentially raising herself. I loved how headstrong and sure of herself she was. I loved that she didn’t take any crap from Owen and wasn’t afraid to be herself. She was such a refreshing and endearing character, and a girl I would be proud to call a friend. I loved that she believed in Owen when almost everyone else had given up. She saw through his cocky exterior to what lay deep beneath.

One of my favorite things about this book was the complex inner dialogue that each character had. I loved seeing into their minds and finding out what guided their decisions, whether they were right or wrong. Monica writes in such a style that allows you to do just that flawlessly. I know now that I will need to carve out time very soon to read Drew & Fable’s story. I understand this is the end of the series, and I think it ended perfectly. I could think of any better way. Solid five star rating from me! ( )
  BooksToBreathe | Jul 2, 2014 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Love Monica Murphy's writing!! I can't wait to jump into the reast of this series. ( )
  SarleneS | Jun 19, 2014 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I appreciate winning this copy in the LibraryThing Giveaway but I have to admit that I was disappointed in it. It was hard to admire either character as they were so flawed and allowed their flaws to dominate their lives. I was glad to see them finally get their act together near the end but by then it was a little too late. I was so tired of it all I just wanted to get to the end. I could have done without all the cursing too. I think it just helped cheapen the book and the characters even more. ( )
  cherierj | May 14, 2014 |
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Callahan / Maguire Universe (5 | Owen Maguire + Chelsea)
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Bestselling author Monica Murphy winds up her sensational series with this sexy story of two college kids with nothing in common but a bunch of baggage and a burning attraction.
Over. That about sums up everything in my life. Suspended from my college football team and forced to cut back my hours at The District bar because of my crappy grades, I cant keep turning to my sister, Fable, and her pro-football playing husband, Drew, to bail me out. I just cant seem to find my own way. Weed and sex are irresistible temptationsand its messed up that I secretly hand over money to our junkie mom. A tutor is the last thing I want right nowuntil I get a look at her.
Chelsea is not my type at all. Shes smart and totally shy. Im pretty sure shes even a virgin. But when she gives me the once over with those piercing blue eyes, Im really over. But in a different way. I wont deny her ass is killer, but its her brain and the way she seems to crave lovelike no ones ever given her anythat make me want her more than any girl Ive ever met. But what would someone as seemingly together as her ever see in a screwed up guy like me?
Praise for Four Years Later
Another great entry into the series and a perfect way to close out what started with One Week Girlfriend. As always, Monica Murphy gives us such great characters, giving them such depth and emotions that its hard not to love them from the minute you meet them on the page.Cocktails and Books
An engaging, heavily character-driven new adult [novel] that brings us the story of a much beloved character. Seamless writing flows effortlessly as Murphy sets up the plot elements and begins her story of love, loss, redemption, and forgiveness. . . . Four Years Later was a delight to read.Smexy Books
Monica Murphy has created an unforgettable series. Her writing is honest, gritty, romantic and entertaining. Her characters are very real people that readers can relate to. We embrace them in our hearts. Their lives and stories will stay with [us] long after the book is finished. It is no wonder that this series is an all-time favorite. . . . The One Week Girlfriend series has been an amazing reading journey that has touched my heart.Hesperia Loves Books
Emotional and gratifying . . . This romance was full of tension and longing! . . . Monica Murphy has another win with Four Years Later. Owen and Chelseas story was touching and passionate, and is sure to make you sigh in contentment by the end.Waves of Fiction
What a fantastic ending to an amazing series! . . . It took my emotions on a roller coaster ride but hey, all the good books do! . . . Four books and I still want more! Im not quite sure I could ever get enough of these characters. Theyre all complex, and beautifully broken in their own ways. Combine that with Monica Murphys fantastic writing skills and you always have a winner.Down the Rabbit Hole
Its official! When it comes to NA romances and inner monologues, Monica Murphy is a queen! . . . I highly recommend Four Years Later! If you read the earlier books then you just have to get this one too. It was wonderful to see how the earlier couples are faring . . . but Monica Murphy...

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