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Publish / Subscribe Systems: Design and Principles

di Sasu Tarkoma

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This book offers an unified treatment of the problems solved by publish/subscribe, how to design and implement the solutions In this book, the author provides an insight into the publish/subscribe technology including the design, implementation, and evaluation of new systems based on the technology. The book also addresses the basic design patterns and solutions, and discusses their application in practical application scenarios. Furthermore, the author examines current standards and industry best practices as well as recent research proposals in the area. Finally, necessary content matching, filtering, and aggregation algorithms and data structures are extensively covered as well as the mechanisms needed for realizing distributed publish/subscribe across the Internet. Key Features: . Addresses the basic design patterns and solutions. Covers applications and example cases including; combining Publish/Subscribe with cloud, Twitter, Facebook, mobile push (app store), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Internet of Things and multiplayer games. Examines current standards and industry best practices as well as recent research proposals in the area. Covers content matching, filtering, and aggregation algorithms and data structures as well as the mechanisms needed for realizing distributed publish/subscribe across the Internet Publish/Subscribe Systems will be an invaluable guide for graduate/postgraduate students and specialists in the IT industry, distributed systems and enterprise computing, software engineers and programmers working in social computing and mobile computing, researchers. Undergraduate students will also find this book of interest.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daKathrynSomerville

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This book offers an unified treatment of the problems solved by publish/subscribe, how to design and implement the solutions In this book, the author provides an insight into the publish/subscribe technology including the design, implementation, and evaluation of new systems based on the technology. The book also addresses the basic design patterns and solutions, and discusses their application in practical application scenarios. Furthermore, the author examines current standards and industry best practices as well as recent research proposals in the area. Finally, necessary content matching, filtering, and aggregation algorithms and data structures are extensively covered as well as the mechanisms needed for realizing distributed publish/subscribe across the Internet. Key Features: . Addresses the basic design patterns and solutions. Covers applications and example cases including; combining Publish/Subscribe with cloud, Twitter, Facebook, mobile push (app store), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Internet of Things and multiplayer games. Examines current standards and industry best practices as well as recent research proposals in the area. Covers content matching, filtering, and aggregation algorithms and data structures as well as the mechanisms needed for realizing distributed publish/subscribe across the Internet Publish/Subscribe Systems will be an invaluable guide for graduate/postgraduate students and specialists in the IT industry, distributed systems and enterprise computing, software engineers and programmers working in social computing and mobile computing, researchers. Undergraduate students will also find this book of interest.

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