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Necroscope: Deadspeak No. 4 (Necroscope…
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Necroscope: Deadspeak No. 4 (Necroscope Series) (originale 1990; edizione 1993)

di Brian Lumley (Autore)

Serie: Necroscope (4)

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731932,291 (3.83)5
Fiction. Horror. HTML:

Brian Lumley's Necroscope novels are one of the horror genre's most towering achievements. They chronicle the adventures of Necroscope, Harry Keogh, his successor, Jake Cutter, and the psychically gifted agents of E-Branch, Britain's super-secret spy organization, and their battles against the malevolent, shape-shifting Wamphyri and their spawn.
Their exploits have spanned two worlds, thirteen novels, and an infinity of time. The Necroscope novels have sold more than two million copies in English alone.
Tor Books is proud to publish Necroscope: Deadspeak in hardcover for the first time. Previously available only as a mass market, paperback Necroscope: Deadspeak is the fourth volume in Lumley's exciting vampire series, and marks the beginning of a new phase in the story of the Necroscope.
Harry Keogh has triumphed over much adversity in his life, from the death of his mother and the discovery of his amazing powers-to talk to the dead and to travel instantaneously to any place via the Möbius Continuum-to the fallout from his war against the vampires. He lost his body, though not his life; his wife and infant son disappeared without a trace; and he had to kill a woman he had come to love. What should have been a joyful reunion with his son was tinged with horror when Harry realized that his boy-now a man-was half-Necroscope and half-vampire, and thus a deadly double threat to all mankind.
Father faced son in a terrible battle, and when it was over, Harry awoke safe in his own bed, at home . . . but his Necroscope powers were gone, locked away in the depths of his mind!
Now, a new evil rears its head in the Balkan Mountains. Janos Ferenczy, master vampire and black magician, has risen from an ages-long sleep. As the first step in his plans of conquest, he conjures dead men and women into a perverse semblance of life and subjects them to fiendish tortures. But the shrieks of the dead barely begin to satisfy Janos's bloodlusts as he prepares an army of undead warriors to conquer the world.
The dead try desperately to attract the Necroscope's attention, but Harry Keogh is deaf to their pleas and their screams. As Harry searches for a cure, he learns that to save mankind he must ally himself with the crafty father of vampires, the infamous Faethor Ferenczy. Centuries dead, Faethor lies in his grave and schemes. He will help Harry defeat Janos-but his price will be very high indeed!
At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

.… (altro)
Titolo:Necroscope: Deadspeak No. 4 (Necroscope Series)
Autori:Brian Lumley (Autore)
Info:Voyager (1993), Edition: New Ed, 560 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere
Etichette:horror, signed

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Necroscope IV: Deadspeak di Brian Lumley (1990)

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» Vedi le 5 citazioni

Still just as good as the last time I read it. ( )
  everettroberts | Oct 20, 2023 |
Oh hey, turns out there is another Ferenczy. Or rather, that's what a lot of this book felt like. Don't get me wrong, it's interesting to fill out a few more of the possibilities of what might happen if a vampire spawns a mostly human child who then desperately tries to learn to be a Vampire. But at the same time, it's starting to feel like the same story again, just with different players.

Another twist this time, which I at first appreciated was that Harry has lost his powers (stolen from him by Harry Jr). So for a large chunk of the story, he cannot speak to the dead except in dreams--which he doesn't remember upon waking--and cannot access the Moebius Continuum at all. Given how often I've complained about how overpowerful the latter made him, I thought it would be good for him to lose the power, but of course I guessed he would at some point get it back. And just in time for the final battle too, making it feel like an echo of the final battle from Necroscope I. So it goes.

Also this one really played up the more sexual aspects of the story. They were already there in the previous books, but relatively minor and sort of out of the way. Not so much in Deadspeak. Several incidents certainly play into the horror aspect of things and for that I applaud them, but it's starting to get a bit ridiculous.

Overall, it's still an interesting enough entry to the series and worth reading for completion's sake. Likewise I'll read the fifth and final Necroscope for the same reason. Plus I am vaguely curious how Harry ended up with a bit of vampire in his soul after all... ( )
  jpv0 | Jul 21, 2021 |
The Event Horizion of Lumley's mind is about to be crossed. Don't expect him to hold your hand on the way in. He is going to bend you over, plant his boot on your rear and give you a stern kick into that darkness. ( )
  Joligula | Oct 28, 2019 |
This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at by express permission of this reviewer Title: Deadspeak Series: Necroscope Author: Brian Lumley Rating: 4 of 5 Stars Genre: Horror/Thriller Pages: 517 Synopsis: Harry is BACK. But his son, to defend his bad ass vampire self, took away Harry's Necroscope powers and returned him to Earth. Now another Vampire is Ascending, one with the capability and know how to survive in our modern age. A Vampire who can Foretell the future. A Vampire who is the blood son of Faethor Ferenczi. Can Harry regain his Mad Skillz, Defeat Janos and Prevent Faethor from taking over his mind? Find out in this 4th Necroscope Novel! My Thoughts: I know my synopsis sounds ridiculous, but really, as much as I am truly enjoying the deliciousness of these books, they are just so THAT. I really like the fact that these are also Cold War era thrillers as well as Vampires as Ultra-Monsters horror stories. The politics and how the world was at that time make this a lot of fun to read about. However, young people today will be missing out on a lot. They won't know who Nicolae Ceaușescu was or anything. I think that Janos, the Vampire of this book, is the worst yet. He raped his mother repeatedly because he hated his father [and that is why this got the sexually explicit tag], allowed himself to be killed to survive until the present day, takes over a blood relative's body and then just plays mind games with Harry. Each Vampire gets worse in each book and it is wonderful. Vampires are BAD and these books show just what horrible monsters they are. One thing that I wondered and kind of look forward to, is Harry killing Harry Jr. That little brat is now a Necroscoped Vampire who is a Super Genius. I don't care how good, strong or noble his intentions are, he is a Vampire and it will show at some point. And Lumley seems to like making Harry suffer and to I like seeing him suffer [he's really not the most likable of people] so having him kill his own son that he sacrificed so much for would just hit the spot I think. Good stuff, eh! " ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
This series just gets better with each installment! ( )
  Darth-Heather | Aug 1, 2016 |
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Fiction. Horror. HTML:

Brian Lumley's Necroscope novels are one of the horror genre's most towering achievements. They chronicle the adventures of Necroscope, Harry Keogh, his successor, Jake Cutter, and the psychically gifted agents of E-Branch, Britain's super-secret spy organization, and their battles against the malevolent, shape-shifting Wamphyri and their spawn.
Their exploits have spanned two worlds, thirteen novels, and an infinity of time. The Necroscope novels have sold more than two million copies in English alone.
Tor Books is proud to publish Necroscope: Deadspeak in hardcover for the first time. Previously available only as a mass market, paperback Necroscope: Deadspeak is the fourth volume in Lumley's exciting vampire series, and marks the beginning of a new phase in the story of the Necroscope.
Harry Keogh has triumphed over much adversity in his life, from the death of his mother and the discovery of his amazing powers-to talk to the dead and to travel instantaneously to any place via the Möbius Continuum-to the fallout from his war against the vampires. He lost his body, though not his life; his wife and infant son disappeared without a trace; and he had to kill a woman he had come to love. What should have been a joyful reunion with his son was tinged with horror when Harry realized that his boy-now a man-was half-Necroscope and half-vampire, and thus a deadly double threat to all mankind.
Father faced son in a terrible battle, and when it was over, Harry awoke safe in his own bed, at home . . . but his Necroscope powers were gone, locked away in the depths of his mind!
Now, a new evil rears its head in the Balkan Mountains. Janos Ferenczy, master vampire and black magician, has risen from an ages-long sleep. As the first step in his plans of conquest, he conjures dead men and women into a perverse semblance of life and subjects them to fiendish tortures. But the shrieks of the dead barely begin to satisfy Janos's bloodlusts as he prepares an army of undead warriors to conquer the world.
The dead try desperately to attract the Necroscope's attention, but Harry Keogh is deaf to their pleas and their screams. As Harry searches for a cure, he learns that to save mankind he must ally himself with the crafty father of vampires, the infamous Faethor Ferenczy. Centuries dead, Faethor lies in his grave and schemes. He will help Harry defeat Janos-but his price will be very high indeed!
At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.


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