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Merkabah Rider: Once Upon A Time In The Weird West (Volume 4)

di Edward M. Erdelac

Serie: Merkabah Rider (4)

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THE CONCLUSION OF THE ACCLAIMED WEIRD WESTERN SERIES.For years the Rider, one of the last of an ancient Jewish order of astral travelers, has sought his renegade teacher Adon across the demon haunted American west.Now it is 1882. The Hour Of Incursion is here. The Great Old Ones, beings of immeasurable power from the roiling chaos before the dawn of Creation, are stirring in their ancient slumber. It is high noon for the entire universe.Seeking to rouse the Old Ones, Adon has gathered together the Creed - an army of fallen Hasidic mystics - and a host of dark allies including skinwalkers, necromancers, an undead master gunslinger, Lilith the Queen of Demons, and the Angel of Death himself.The Rider and Kabede, in a last bid to stop Adon, recruit their own band, including an unstoppable preacher more steam engine than man, an alien entity from the dawn of time, a young witch, and the enigmatic Faustus Montague, an angelic being from another universe.But Lucifer the master of hell watches from his capitol city, ready to commit his legions to the winning side.And he has an agent among the Rider's companions....… (altro)
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THE CONCLUSION OF THE ACCLAIMED WEIRD WESTERN SERIES.For years the Rider, one of the last of an ancient Jewish order of astral travelers, has sought his renegade teacher Adon across the demon haunted American west.Now it is 1882. The Hour Of Incursion is here. The Great Old Ones, beings of immeasurable power from the roiling chaos before the dawn of Creation, are stirring in their ancient slumber. It is high noon for the entire universe.Seeking to rouse the Old Ones, Adon has gathered together the Creed - an army of fallen Hasidic mystics - and a host of dark allies including skinwalkers, necromancers, an undead master gunslinger, Lilith the Queen of Demons, and the Angel of Death himself.The Rider and Kabede, in a last bid to stop Adon, recruit their own band, including an unstoppable preacher more steam engine than man, an alien entity from the dawn of time, a young witch, and the enigmatic Faustus Montague, an angelic being from another universe.But Lucifer the master of hell watches from his capitol city, ready to commit his legions to the winning side.And he has an agent among the Rider's companions....

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Edward M. Erdelac è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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