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Insight Guides: Shanghai Step by Step (Insight Step by Step)

di Tina Kanagaratnam

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The brand new Step by Step Shanghai is a stylish, full-color travel guide to this dynamic city. The twelve easy-to-follow itineraries - most on foot - explore the many facets of Shanghai's urban area, including lesser-known areas such as the narrow streets behind the famous Bund and the backwaters of Suzhou Creek. There is a handy pull-out map that shows all the itineraries clearly. There are tips on where to stop for a bite to eat en route, while color maps show the routes in detail and dynamic photography brings the city to life. Three additional excursions venture beyond Shanghai to the picturesque Grand Canal city of Suzhou - famed for its gardens, the delightful "water town" of Zhouzhuang, and the unmatched serenity of Hangzhou's West Lake. There is also plenty of detail on the cultural and artistic heritage of the city, a selection of recommended hotels, restaurants and bars, and comprehensive practical information to help you find your way around and enjoy exploring the city.… (altro)
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The brand new Step by Step Shanghai is a stylish, full-color travel guide to this dynamic city. The twelve easy-to-follow itineraries - most on foot - explore the many facets of Shanghai's urban area, including lesser-known areas such as the narrow streets behind the famous Bund and the backwaters of Suzhou Creek. There is a handy pull-out map that shows all the itineraries clearly. There are tips on where to stop for a bite to eat en route, while color maps show the routes in detail and dynamic photography brings the city to life. Three additional excursions venture beyond Shanghai to the picturesque Grand Canal city of Suzhou - famed for its gardens, the delightful "water town" of Zhouzhuang, and the unmatched serenity of Hangzhou's West Lake. There is also plenty of detail on the cultural and artistic heritage of the city, a selection of recommended hotels, restaurants and bars, and comprehensive practical information to help you find your way around and enjoy exploring the city.

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