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Growing and Propagating Wild Flowers di…
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Growing and Propagating Wild Flowers (edizione 1985)

di Harry R. Phillips

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114Nessuno247,557 (4)1
This book, the most complete and expert treatment of wild flower propagation and cultivation to date, offers a sure approach to gardening with native plants while practicing good conservation. Based on ten years of pioneering research at the North Carolina Botanical Garden, Growing and Propagating Wild Flowers features practical, easy-to-follow methods for raising native plants from seeds, cuttings, and divisionsspecific instructions on the propagation and cultivation of plants representing nearly 100 genera of wild flowers, carnivorous plants, and fernsmore than 250 illustrations, including 32 color photographs and 3 sample design plans for a perennial border For each species treated, the author includesdescriptions of growth habits, flowers, fruits and seedsoutstanding ornamental characteristics, flowering and fruiting timesdetailed directions on the collection, cleaning, storage, and germination of seedinformation on cultivation and use in the home landscapenotes on related species and their propagation The native plants cited as examples are found primarily in the eastern United States. The propagation and handling techniques, however, will be useful throughout the temperate areas of the country.… (altro)
Titolo:Growing and Propagating Wild Flowers
Autori:Harry R. Phillips
Info:University of North Carolina Press (1985), Hardcover, 280 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Growing and Propagating Wild Flowers di Harry R. Phillips

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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Harry R. Phillipsautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Bell, C. RitchiePrefazioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Gardner, RobCollaboratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Jones-Roe, Charlotte A.Collaboratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Moore, KenA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Wilbur, Dorothy S.Illustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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To the Wednesday morning proppagation volunteers of the North Carolina Botanical Garden.
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The vigor and appearance of many wild flowers improve dramatically in cultivation, where they no longer have to compete for light, moisture and nutrients.
Introduction: On a seed-collecting trip several years ago we came to a halt above a wet mountain meadow.
Foreword: For over three centuries the forests and woodlands of eastern North America provided much of the fuel, shelter, food, and medicine for the early colonial settlers and then for the needs and trade of a growing nation.
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This book, the most complete and expert treatment of wild flower propagation and cultivation to date, offers a sure approach to gardening with native plants while practicing good conservation. Based on ten years of pioneering research at the North Carolina Botanical Garden, Growing and Propagating Wild Flowers features practical, easy-to-follow methods for raising native plants from seeds, cuttings, and divisionsspecific instructions on the propagation and cultivation of plants representing nearly 100 genera of wild flowers, carnivorous plants, and fernsmore than 250 illustrations, including 32 color photographs and 3 sample design plans for a perennial border For each species treated, the author includesdescriptions of growth habits, flowers, fruits and seedsoutstanding ornamental characteristics, flowering and fruiting timesdetailed directions on the collection, cleaning, storage, and germination of seedinformation on cultivation and use in the home landscapenotes on related species and their propagation The native plants cited as examples are found primarily in the eastern United States. The propagation and handling techniques, however, will be useful throughout the temperate areas of the country.

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