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Christmas Remembered di Ben Logan
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Christmas Remembered (edizione 1997)

di Ben Logan (Autore)

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Ben Logan won the hearts of readers the world over with his 1975 memoir, The Land Remembers. He returns to the farmland of his youth in Christmas Remembered, a loving tribute to holiday rituals and the people who make them happen: people like his mother, who was married on Christmas Day, and people like his wife, who brought her own traditions from the mountains of Mexico. "Rituals do not persist simply because they may possess a magical power from outside us," Logan tells us. "They live because they touch something inside us that is wanting and waiting to come out and express itself." With a new foreword by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, Christmas Remembered will make you laugh and cry--and grow nostalgic for your own holiday seasons past.… (altro)
Titolo:Christmas Remembered
Autori:Ben Logan (Autore)
Info:Creative Pub Intl (1997), 160 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri

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Christmas Remembered di Ben Logan

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Ben Logan won the hearts of readers the world over with his 1975 memoir, The Land Remembers. He returns to the farmland of his youth in Christmas Remembered, a loving tribute to holiday rituals and the people who make them happen: people like his mother, who was married on Christmas Day, and people like his wife, who brought her own traditions from the mountains of Mexico. "Rituals do not persist simply because they may possess a magical power from outside us," Logan tells us. "They live because they touch something inside us that is wanting and waiting to come out and express itself." With a new foreword by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, Christmas Remembered will make you laugh and cry--and grow nostalgic for your own holiday seasons past.

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