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How We Are Hungry di Dave Eggers
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How We Are Hungry (originale 2004; edizione 2005)

di Dave Eggers

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2,272257,187 (3.63)39
A debut collection of short stories presents a compelling cast of characters who struggle with inconvenient revelations, from the deserts of Egypt to the side of Interstate 5.
Titolo:How We Are Hungry
Autori:Dave Eggers
Info:Vintage (2005), Paperback, 224 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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How We Are Hungry di Dave Eggers (2004)

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» Vedi le 39 citazioni

Eggers is electric in short form. ( )
  Adammmmm | Sep 10, 2019 |
I savored this book like a rich dessert. I preferred reading it when I had ample quiet time to not only lose myself in the story, but to absorb the nuances of Eggers' writing technique. I loved the way he played with words and showed all the ways his very real characters hungered for love, achievement, freedom, meaning beyond the everyday. My favorites were "What It Means When a Crowd..." and "Up the Mountain Coming Down Slowly" because these felt the most relevant to the here and now. ( )
  danielle_burnette | Oct 31, 2015 |
My favorite piece in this collection is a utopian story called "Your Mother and I," which I first encountered at a big group reading Eggers participated in at El Rio a few years ago. ( )
  anderlawlor | Apr 9, 2013 |
I wish more of my favorite authors would release collections of their short fiction. I really enjoyed this collection. It's not perfect--there are a couple of stories here that didn't hold my interest--but there are others that are just wonderful. It's not a perfect book, but I'm feeling generous with my star rating. It's not all that inflated.

Eggers isn't for everyone--but he's for me, and that's all I need. ( )
  librarybrandy | Mar 30, 2013 |
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This book is for Chris.
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I'd gone to Egypt, as a courier, easy. (Another)
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

A debut collection of short stories presents a compelling cast of characters who struggle with inconvenient revelations, from the deserts of Egypt to the side of Interstate 5.

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Media: (3.63)
0.5 1
1 9
1.5 2
2 26
2.5 14
3 123
3.5 34
4 159
4.5 13
5 74

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