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Dark Harbor: A Poem di Mark Strand
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Dark Harbor: A Poem (edizione 1994)

di Mark Strand (Autore)

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116Nessuno243,383 (4.22)1
Pulitzer Prize-winner Mark Strand gives us a poem in forty-five sections that--despite its wide range and shifting mood and tone--is all of a piece. Here Strand speaks candidly to the reader, conversing, offering urban wit and surrealist digressions that draw on our innermost sensations and the outermost reaches of our reality: Is what exists a souvenir of the time Of the great nought and deep night without stars The time before the universe began?   When we look at each other and see nothing Is that not a confirmation that we are less Than meets the eye and embody some of   The night of our origins?   A timeless pursuit of timeless questions, Dark Harbor centers on uncertainty and the known, family and isolation, the possible and the real. The poems in this book are easily recognizable as the world of one of our most interesting and influential poets.… (altro)
Titolo:Dark Harbor: A Poem
Autori:Mark Strand (Autore)
Info:Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group (1994), Edition: Reprint, 64 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Dark Harbor: A Poem di Mark Strand

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Pulitzer Prize-winner Mark Strand gives us a poem in forty-five sections that--despite its wide range and shifting mood and tone--is all of a piece. Here Strand speaks candidly to the reader, conversing, offering urban wit and surrealist digressions that draw on our innermost sensations and the outermost reaches of our reality: Is what exists a souvenir of the time Of the great nought and deep night without stars The time before the universe began?   When we look at each other and see nothing Is that not a confirmation that we are less Than meets the eye and embody some of   The night of our origins?   A timeless pursuit of timeless questions, Dark Harbor centers on uncertainty and the known, family and isolation, the possible and the real. The poems in this book are easily recognizable as the world of one of our most interesting and influential poets.

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