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Engraved on the Eye di Saladin Ahmed
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Engraved on the Eye (edizione 2012)

di Saladin Ahmed

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
19710142,941 (3.89)12
Titolo:Engraved on the Eye
Autori:Saladin Ahmed
Info:Ridan Publishing, Kindle Edition, 110 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere
Etichette:fantasy, short-stories

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Engraved on the Eye di Saladin Ahmed

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» Vedi le 12 citazioni

Although there was a guy quite ridiculously named Abdel Jameela, seeing my friends and family and jinn in my favorite Engleezy genre was the best time I've ever had!

I can't die before I read all of this guy's stuff... inshallah. ( )
  brutalstirfry | May 6, 2022 |
A collection of eight original short stories by Saladin Ahmed, most of which have references to Islamic mysticism and folklore. Several deal with supernatural creatures such as ghouls and djinn, and have a dark aura. The three best (Where Virtue Lives, Hooves and the Hovel of Abdel Jameela, and Judgment of Swords and Souls) are deeply embedded in Middle Eastern culture and mystique: provocative, evocative, exotic, and mesmerizing. You can even smell the spices... ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
Saladin Ahmed's "Engraved on the Eye" offers a nice sampling of Ahmed's short fiction. Collected in this volume are three short stories set in the same world as his first novel, The Crescent Throne, as well as a western, sci-fi, bunnies with swords, and an urban fantasy. Readers unfamiliar with the Crescent Throne will find the stories a good starting point, while fans of Saladin Adhmed's will enjoy the additional background on a certain ghul hunter and his blue clothed dhervish.

Tying the eight stories of this volume are two themes existing fans will find familiar: the fantastical, told with a heavy Middle Eastern influence. If Bradbury had been Arabic and living in middle America, this is what his first story collection might have looked like, ghul's, djenn, and demons included. ( )
  kodermike | Jul 31, 2020 |
Great little collection of short stories. A couple relate to Saladin Ahmed's novel "Throne of the Crescent Moon". Most of them have a middle-eastern tone to them, that makes them feel fresh. If you like Swords & Sorcery you will enjoy this.

It is also free on Amazon! ( )
  PhilOnTheHill | Sep 8, 2019 |
I really enjoyed this collection. It's a wonderful mix of fantasy and science fiction. Ahmed is a good storyteller with an enjoyable writing style. My main complaint is that I finished most of the stories sad that they were done. I want to know more about these people! ( )
  MFenn | Apr 22, 2018 |
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