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Sharks (New & Updated Edition) di Gail…
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Sharks (New & Updated Edition) (edizione 1992)

di Gail Gibbons (Autore)

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Describes the physical characteristics of sharks and different kinds of sharks.
Titolo:Sharks (New & Updated Edition)
Autori:Gail Gibbons (Autore)
Info:Holiday House (1992), Edition: Illustrated, 32 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Sharks di Gail Gibbons

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This book is an engaging exploration of these captivating sea creatures. From huge whale sharks to tiny dwarf sharks, the book covers everything you need to know about one of our most popular—and mysterious—marine inhabitants. Did you know that millions of years before the first dinosaurs walked the earth, sharks were already swimming in the sea? Despite their often-fearsome reputation, most sharks aren’t dangerous to humans. ( )
  chelle831 | Jun 10, 2024 |
My boys are my non-fiction lovers, and we have spent many hours reading Gail Gibbons nonfiction together. They are full of facts, but very easy for kids to understand. This is one of their favorites. ( )
  sloth852 | Jan 12, 2024 |
I like this science text because of the vibrant illustrations and easy text descriptions. The pictures on each page cover most of the page and clearly show different descriptive attributes of things like their teeth, skin markings, or what they look like. It shows many different kinds of sharks and has simple captions and labels on each shark. The text descriptions are only a few sentences and are straight to the point. This is a good book for early elementary students as a read aloud or to be read individually. As a read aloud, the teacher could point out different pictures or ask questions as they are reading to keep the students involved and engaged. It would be a good book to read individually because the sentences are simple and the pictures can be used as context clues. I would use this book in my classroom.
  sonyaw26 | Feb 25, 2020 |
This guided reading book is great for 1-3rd grade classes that are studying marine life and different types of sharks. The teacher can read the pages as the students follow along with their eyes and experience the visual cues. This informational book will be a great addition to my classroom because of the new vocabulary, the sequence of events present in the pups and eggs and full adults, and the illustrations.
  Jeholy92 | Oct 15, 2019 |
A great read for older students! This book has some really nice features that can help readers retain information such as, bolding each new shark being introduced, and labeling the different images being shown (pup, eggs, and even the different teeth from different sharks). I liked how this book has more information being told versus other books which have only one or two sentences per page. This book would be great for teachers teaching about sharks; it is informational and there are pictures for students to refer to. ( )
  Jenny.C | Oct 15, 2019 |
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Describes the physical characteristics of sharks and different kinds of sharks.

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