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Dead Run di Erica Spindler
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Dead Run (originale 2002; edizione 2003)

di Erica Spindler

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449757,684 (3.65)7
Fiction. Thriller. HTML:

"I'm in trouble, Liz. I've uncovered something.... They're watching...."

That panicked message on her answering machine is the last time Liz Ames hears from her sister Rachel, pastor of Paradise Christian Church in Key West, Florida.
Compelled to uncover the truth about her sister's disappearance, she heads to Key West. Within hours of her arrival a successful banker jumps to his death. Then a teenage girl whom Rachel was counseling is found brutally murdered. The ritualistic style of the killing is hauntingly similar to that used by the notorious "New Testament" serial killer--now on death row.

Could the teen's murder be related to Rachel's disappearance? Is a copycat killer at work? And why do the police refuse to help?

For answers, Liz turns to Rick Wells, a former Miami cop who worked the fringes of the "New Testament" investigation. Together they peel away layers of deception to reveal a terrifying adversary--and the unspeakable evil at the heart of this island paradise.… (altro)
Titolo:Dead Run
Autori:Erica Spindler
Info:Mira (2003), Paperback
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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» Vedi le 7 citazioni

I don't remember when I bought this book, but it is a quick enjoyable read. If you like murder mysteries, with a touch of satanism you will probably enjoy this. You will probably figure out who the killer is before the characters in the book do, but. It is written well enough that you will still finish the book, to find out all of the how's and whys, and like me be surprised at the depth of deceit and infiltration the killer has amassed. I will be seeking out other books by this author, and recommendations? ( )
  zmagic69 | Feb 10, 2014 |
When Rachel Ames - a pastor living in Key West, Florida - mysteriously disappears after leaving a desperate phone message on her sister's answering machine - Liz Ames travels to Key West to search for her. Within a few days of Liz's arrival, the area is rocked by the suicide of a successful businessman, another disappearance and the ritualistic murder of a teenage girl who Rachel was counselling. Frightened for her sister's safety and well-being, Liz teams up with a former Miami cop - Rick Wells - to uncover the dark and deadly secrets that are poisoning paradise.

This is the first book of Erica Spindler's that I've read and I must say that I really enjoyed it very much. I will certainly keep her in mind as an author for me to read again sometime. I give this book an A! ( )
  moonshineandrosefire | Apr 11, 2012 |
I have read most of Erica Spindler's books and have enjoyed almost every one. I don't know what she was thinking when she wrote this one. I just couldn't get in tune with the characters. I thought Liz and Rick had no chemistry at all. I did find the ending to be exciting and was surprised to learn who one of the killers was. I thought this book was not as well written, or researched as some of her previous novels. I just didn't enjoy the story. I have never really enjoyed novels that have aspects of religion in them and that could be why I couldn't get into this novel. ( )
  chrissywest | Jan 9, 2011 |
I read this book but was unable to complete it. It was a totally disjointed story. The characters were not well developed and it felt as if she was trying to throw in some action that she was uncomfortable with. It got to be too much trouble to finish. I would not recommend it. It is, however, the only one of hers I had ever read, so I did read another one of her books. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy that one either. Sorry, but this is not an author I would persue adding to my collection. ( )
  lawn2000 | Sep 12, 2009 |
This was not one of her best. ( )
  maryintexas39 | Jan 18, 2008 |
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Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. - 1 Peter 5:8
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Pastor Rachel Howard peered out the bedroom's rear window, struggling to see past the sheets of rain.
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Fiction. Thriller. HTML:

"I'm in trouble, Liz. I've uncovered something.... They're watching...."

That panicked message on her answering machine is the last time Liz Ames hears from her sister Rachel, pastor of Paradise Christian Church in Key West, Florida.

Compelled to uncover the truth about her sister's disappearance, she heads to Key West. Within hours of her arrival a successful banker jumps to his death. Then a teenage girl whom Rachel was counseling is found brutally murdered. The ritualistic style of the killing is hauntingly similar to that used by the notorious "New Testament" serial killer--now on death row.

Could the teen's murder be related to Rachel's disappearance? Is a copycat killer at work? And why do the police refuse to help?

For answers, Liz turns to Rick Wells, a former Miami cop who worked the fringes of the "New Testament" investigation. Together they peel away layers of deception to reveal a terrifying adversary--and the unspeakable evil at the heart of this island paradise.

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Erica Spindler è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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Media: (3.65)
1 2
2 6
2.5 1
3 16
3.5 5
4 15
4.5 4
5 14


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