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Faith's Crossing (2003)

di Carrie Carr

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21Nessuno1,086,983 (4)Nessuno
New lovers Lexington Walters and Amanda Cauble have withstood many things to be together, including raging floods and cattle rustlers. But can they handle the one obstacle that now stands in their way - Amanda's parents? When Amanda decides to move to Texas for good, she goes back to her family's California home to get the rest of her things - taking Lex with her. Even though her parent's have never understood her "lifestyle", they've not exactly fought against it. But when she brings her rancher to meet them, all bets are off. After being offered something that she's always wanted, will Amanda bend to her family's wishes? And is her love for Lex stronger than her need for family acceptance?… (altro)
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Lexington Walters woke at her usual time - before the sun had the opportunity to rise.
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New lovers Lexington Walters and Amanda Cauble have withstood many things to be together, including raging floods and cattle rustlers. But can they handle the one obstacle that now stands in their way - Amanda's parents? When Amanda decides to move to Texas for good, she goes back to her family's California home to get the rest of her things - taking Lex with her. Even though her parent's have never understood her "lifestyle", they've not exactly fought against it. But when she brings her rancher to meet them, all bets are off. After being offered something that she's always wanted, will Amanda bend to her family's wishes? And is her love for Lex stronger than her need for family acceptance?

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