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Patterns of Creation di Stephen Pope
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Patterns of Creation (edizione 2012)

di Stephen Pope

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In the beginning the Logos was...... This book takes the reader into the depth and beauty of the mystical teachings behind those opening words of Johns Gospel. They tell us that we are intimately connected to the whole of life, all that exists in nature and the vastness of the Cosmos. The eternal source of Being, called Logos - or Word - in the Gospel, is each persons connection to God, and is accessible Now. This book is a radical exploration of the mystical teachings in the Gospel of John. It helps the reader to experience these spiritual truths for themselves, and go beyond the everyday mind which is dominated by the ego and realize their eternal Being, which Johns Gospel calls Logos. By approaching the teachings in a meditative state, the symbolism contained within the Greek text opens out and comes alive in the present moment. The Gospel is not a historical document; it speaks directly to each person now and the states of consciousness represented in the stories are accessible now. The book contains guided meditations to help bring this to life for the reader. This awakening concerns our relationship with the whole of life. Spiritual consciousness means that we are aware of the sacredness of our connections to each other as fellow human beings, and to the creatures of the natural world. Christ and the Logos contain both masculine and feminine in balance; at this critical time, our well-being and that of our fellow creatures is dependent on this realization. Johns Gospel contains the essence of all mystical teaching, bringing together the Jewish mystical understanding of the Torah and the Tree of Life - now known as Kabbalah - with the Hellenistic concept of Logos. The book explores how this powerful synthesis points to our profound awakening beyond the ordinary mind and identification with the ego. It shows the radical equality of masculine and feminine in creation: Jesus and Mary Magdalene as aspects of the Christ. Throughout the book we approach the Gospel in a meditative state of awareness, bringing out the deeper meanings within the Greek, which are largely lost in conventional translations.… (altro)
Titolo:Patterns of Creation
Autori:Stephen Pope
Info:Axis Mundi Books (2012), Paperback, 285 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Patterns of Creation di Stephen Pope

Aggiunto di recente daKealeyDa, bibliophyle, Sara_Geller
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This is a serious text on a serious subject and as such it is not light reading but you don’t have to be a Kabbalist to appreciate this really fascinating and enlightening book. Nor do you need to be particularly religious. All you really need is to want to understand more about the truth of existence. So often when I’ve looked at the Bible and struggled to put meaning to the stories, I’ve wished I had a teacher who could help me, using language I was familiar with. This book does just that and more. It goes far beyond explanations, allowing you, through the guided meditations to actually experience the teachings of the Gospel of John in a direct and personal way. It does this within the framework of the Kabbalah and The Tree of Life, showing you in an accessible way, how the two are intertwined. It truly brought the teachings to life for me and that is far more than I had hoped for when I began reading. There is so much information in this for anyone wanting answers and the stories, when explained, contain so much wisdom. It really is teaching at its very best.
  Sara_Geller | May 28, 2012 |
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In the beginning the Logos was...... This book takes the reader into the depth and beauty of the mystical teachings behind those opening words of Johns Gospel. They tell us that we are intimately connected to the whole of life, all that exists in nature and the vastness of the Cosmos. The eternal source of Being, called Logos - or Word - in the Gospel, is each persons connection to God, and is accessible Now. This book is a radical exploration of the mystical teachings in the Gospel of John. It helps the reader to experience these spiritual truths for themselves, and go beyond the everyday mind which is dominated by the ego and realize their eternal Being, which Johns Gospel calls Logos. By approaching the teachings in a meditative state, the symbolism contained within the Greek text opens out and comes alive in the present moment. The Gospel is not a historical document; it speaks directly to each person now and the states of consciousness represented in the stories are accessible now. The book contains guided meditations to help bring this to life for the reader. This awakening concerns our relationship with the whole of life. Spiritual consciousness means that we are aware of the sacredness of our connections to each other as fellow human beings, and to the creatures of the natural world. Christ and the Logos contain both masculine and feminine in balance; at this critical time, our well-being and that of our fellow creatures is dependent on this realization. Johns Gospel contains the essence of all mystical teaching, bringing together the Jewish mystical understanding of the Torah and the Tree of Life - now known as Kabbalah - with the Hellenistic concept of Logos. The book explores how this powerful synthesis points to our profound awakening beyond the ordinary mind and identification with the ego. It shows the radical equality of masculine and feminine in creation: Jesus and Mary Magdalene as aspects of the Christ. Throughout the book we approach the Gospel in a meditative state of awareness, bringing out the deeper meanings within the Greek, which are largely lost in conventional translations.

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