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The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee: An…
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The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee: An Origami Yoda Book (originale 2012; edizione 2012)

di Tom Angleberger (Autore)

Serie: Origami Yoda (3)

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1,3492514,610 (4.06)4
McQuarrie Middle School's students miss Origami Yoda when Dwight leaves for Tippett Academy, but he sends Sara a paper Fortune Wookiee that seems to give advice just as good as Yoda's--even if, in the hands of girls, it seems preoccupied with romance.
Titolo:The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee: An Origami Yoda Book
Autori:Tom Angleberger (Autore)
Info:Harry N. Abrams (2012), Edition: 3rd Edition., 160 pages
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The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee di Tom Angleberger (2012)

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FROM AMAZON: With Dwight attending Tippett Academy this semester, the kids of McQuarrie Middle School are on their own - no Origami Yoda to give advice and help them navigate the treacherous waters of middle school. Then Sara gets a gift she says is from Dwight - a paper fortune-teller in the form of Chewbacca. It’s a Fortune Wookiee, and it seems to give advice that’s just as good as Yoda’s - even if, in the hands of the girls, it seems too preoccupied with romance.

In the meantime, Dwight is fitting in a little too well at Tippett. Has the unimaginable happened? Has Dwight become normal? It’s up to his old friends at McQuarrie to remind their kooky friend that it’s in his weirdness that his greatness lies.
  Gmomaj | Nov 1, 2023 |
I'm finding myself enjoying the characters now and there's a proper story arc developing. ( )
  fionaanne | Nov 28, 2022 |
The students miss Dwight and Origami Yoda and I do too. The first two books focused on Dwight's actions. This one focused on Dwight's inactions. With Dwight now at Tippett Academy, Sara steps into the role and creates the Fortune Wookiee. Not quite as wise, Fortune Wookiee ironically has a side sick Hans Foldo to interpret the wookiee's words.

( )
  wellington299 | Feb 19, 2022 |
I started this one not realizing there would be another one to follow! Angleberger set up the best cliffhanger of the three books so far in this series, and I don't even care that the end is a fairly heavy-handed commentary on Common Core/High Stakes Testing (which I happen to despise...the testing, not the commentary).

I laughed out loud so much while reading this that my students started to get annoyed with me. I told them they needed to read all the books, so I'm hoping they will. ( )
  ms_rowse | Jan 1, 2022 |
Another cute entry in the series. Dwight is going to a different school and acting "normal" and "boring". Making his friends worry about him.
Sarah is giving advise using the Fortune Wookie with the help of Hans Foldo. ( )
  nx74defiant | Sep 1, 2021 |
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Dedicated to Jay Asher, a writer so brilliant, he has ideas to give away.
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Every case file begins with a question... The first time it was "Is Origami Yoda real?" Then "Will Darth Paper destroy Origami Yoda?" It looked like THIS case file was going to start-and end-with the question: How can you have a case file without Dwight?
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McQuarrie Middle School's students miss Origami Yoda when Dwight leaves for Tippett Academy, but he sends Sara a paper Fortune Wookiee that seems to give advice just as good as Yoda's--even if, in the hands of girls, it seems preoccupied with romance.

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