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Eve and Adam di Katherine Applegate
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Eve and Adam (edizione 2013)

di Katherine Applegate, Michael Grant

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6075340,489 (3.4)7
Science Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

With Eve and Adam, authors Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant team up to create a thrilling story.

In the beginning, there was an apple

And then there was a car crash, a horrible injury, and a hospital. But before Evening Spiker's head clears a strange boy named Solo is rushing her to her mother's research facility. There, under the best care available, Eve is left alone to heal.

Just when Eve thinks she will die not from her injuries, but from boredomher mother gives her a special project: Create the perfect boy.

Using an amazingly detailed simulation, Eve starts building a boy from the ground up. Eve is creating Adam. And he will be just perfect . . . won't he?

… (altro)
Titolo:Eve and Adam
Autori:Katherine Applegate
Altri autori:Michael Grant
Info:Square Fish (2013), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 304 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Eve and Adam di Michael Grant

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» Vedi le 7 citazioni

Evening has just witnessed her own death. Watched as her arm was crushed, her leg severed, and the blood, so much blood accompanied by a horrific screaming that she realises is coming from herself. She doesn't think she will survive this, is sure no one could survive this. Then after what they say was fourteen hours of surgery, Evening wakes up clean, bandaged and with less and less pain. Her severed leg reattached and healing at a remarkable rate, Evening is no longer in hospital but is recuperating under her mothers care in a facility that is more used to lab rats than human patients.

Adam has just witnessed his own creation, watched as a girl put him together piece by piece. Once born he is given many facts but there is only one true thought that is his own. Evening, he loves Evening.

Solo has just witnessed one unscrupulous horror to many. Over the years he has come to despise Terra Spiker and her facility, has plotted how to expose her amoral, unethical and illegal practices to the world. The day is coming when he will have all the evidence he needs to bring her down. Then that day arrives and he has more then enough to prove Spiker Biotech should be shut down, there is only one problem, Evening. He never expected to develop feelings for the bosses daughter, never thought he would have to chose between covering up a crime or protecting the girl he loves.

Eve and Adam is a creation story that begins with an apple and ends with a boy, created and brought to life by a girl. Only there is more to creation then pushing a few buttons, and sometimes perfect isn't at all what we are looking for. This is a story that goes beyond themes of friendships, loss, gang violence and identity. A story that strays into the realm of human experimentation, genetic modifications and corporate cover-ups. Alongside the philosophical, scientific and even artistic implications of life and creation is a dangerous, bloody and romantic story that you just can't resist. ( )
  LarissaBookGirl | Aug 2, 2021 |

I expected too much, only to end up annoyed with the romance with ZERO chemisty.
I was too excited to read it because I thought the sci-fi parts would be amazing.
The characters and conversations didn't affect me.

awesome cover tho ( )
  DzejnCrvena | Apr 2, 2021 |
This book was really good, but it was predictable. The end was easily predicted, and it lost my interest a few times. Despite this, it was a good read and had an interesting idea! ( )
  AlizarinCrimson | Jan 7, 2021 |
A fast-paced story filled with action and romance woven into it. I greatly enjoyed this read! It had been a long time since a novel had me diving so deep in it. I devoured ''Eve & Adam''. The only downside is that the narrator sometimes jumps to feelings without really having established them beforehand. But there are emotions, of course, loads of them (which is a good thing).

I would have wished for a bigger book.

Simply put: I loved it! ( )
  Catherine_GV | Jun 20, 2019 |
What if you had the chance to “play God” and create the perfect boy? Fighting boredom while recuperating at her mother’s research facility after an automobile accident, Evening (Eve) Spiker accepts the challenge to create the perfect boy. Using a computer simulation created at the facility, she creates Adam from scratch — his muscles, brain, personality traits — everything. This fantasy will keep teens interest as they discover along with Eve the hidden secrets at Spiker Pharmaceuticals and Adam’s fate — is he real or just a simulation?
Sharyn H. / Marathon County Public Library
Find this book in our library catalog.
( )
  mcpl.wausau | Sep 25, 2017 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Grant, Michaelautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Applegate, Katherineautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Graham, HolterNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Lamia, JennaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Science Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

With Eve and Adam, authors Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant team up to create a thrilling story.

In the beginning, there was an apple

And then there was a car crash, a horrible injury, and a hospital. But before Evening Spiker's head clears a strange boy named Solo is rushing her to her mother's research facility. There, under the best care available, Eve is left alone to heal.

Just when Eve thinks she will die not from her injuries, but from boredomher mother gives her a special project: Create the perfect boy.

Using an amazingly detailed simulation, Eve starts building a boy from the ground up. Eve is creating Adam. And he will be just perfect . . . won't he?


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Riassunto haiku

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Michael Grant è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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