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Disciplines of a Godly Man (Updated Edition)…
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Disciplines of a Godly Man (Updated Edition) (originale 1991; edizione 2019)

di R. Kent Hughes (Autore)

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2,72285,543 (4.04)3
Disciplines Of A Godly Man has been speaking to the hearts of men for the past 10 years, and it continues to be timeless in its message. Using engaging illustrations, scriptural wisdom, practical suggestions, and study questions, Kent Hughes offers a frank biblical discussion on major areas of Christian manhood: family, godliness, leadership, ministry and more. Called 'an inspiring and practical guide for men who seek to reflect God's glory in their lives,' this newly revisited edition is for every man who wants to know what it means to be a Christian in today's world.… (altro)
Titolo:Disciplines of a Godly Man (Updated Edition)
Autori:R. Kent Hughes (Autore)
Info:Crossway (2019), Edition: Updated, 336 pages
Collezioni:In lettura

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Disciplines of a Godly Man di R. Kent Hughes (1991)

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» Vedi le 3 citazioni

Dad gave me this as a gift in high school (see inside cover). Great book that contains many important lessons for men of all ages. Reread while we lived in Okinawa. Will reread many more times in life and definitely recommend to others.
  SDWets | Apr 25, 2021 |
This is one of those few books that should be read every year. Hughes's advice is cogent and supremely biblical. I cannot recommend it highly enough. ( )
  Willard_Paul | Mar 5, 2018 |
This is the book that provoked me to start reading Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.
( )
  gcornett | Sep 22, 2017 |
I read this as part of men's bible study group with my church in Spring 2015. Substantively, it was a good book--especially for a group like that, where there was quite a diversity of backgrounds and interests. That said, there are many parts of the book that IMHO haven't aged well, and mark it inescapably as a late product of the 80s/90s culture wars. Once one looks back some of the rhetorical flourishes and rants, the basic bones are solid and the principles it espouses are well put.

(2015 Review #3) ( )
  bohannon | Aug 30, 2015 |
Excellent challenge towards godliness. Hughes carefully avoids legalism, and exhorts men to disciplined lives in 17 key areas. Chapters on friendship, prayer, and ministry were particularly helpful. Hughes writes clearly and forthrightly, and provides an excellent spur. This will be helpful to breeze through regularly as a checklist, which is why his chapter on grace is a fitting and encouraging conclusion.
  cjsdg | Aug 25, 2010 |
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Disciplines Of A Godly Man has been speaking to the hearts of men for the past 10 years, and it continues to be timeless in its message. Using engaging illustrations, scriptural wisdom, practical suggestions, and study questions, Kent Hughes offers a frank biblical discussion on major areas of Christian manhood: family, godliness, leadership, ministry and more. Called 'an inspiring and practical guide for men who seek to reflect God's glory in their lives,' this newly revisited edition is for every man who wants to know what it means to be a Christian in today's world.

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