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1001 films: de meest spraakmakende films…
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1001 films: de meest spraakmakende films aller tijden (2003)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,892129,236 (3.95)28
1001 Film da non perdere è una guida dedicata a coloro che vogliono orientarsi tra i grandi capolavori del cinema mondiale. Aggiornato al 2008, il libro testimonia l'evoluzione del linguaggio cinematografico dagli albori del bianco e nero alle meraviglie del digitale, operando una selezione basata sull'importanza storica delle opere oltre che sul successo di pubblico e di critica che hanno registrato. I film sono presentati in ordine cronologico attraverso schede dettagliate che ne illustrano le trame e informano su registi, sceneggiatori, interpreti e premi ricevuti. Annotation Supplied by Informazioni Editoriali… (altro)
Titolo:1001 films: de meest spraakmakende films aller tijden
Info:Librero Nederland b.v.
Collezioni:Naslagwerk, La tua biblioteca, In lettura

Informazioni sull'opera

Milleuno film. I capolavori del cinema mondiale di Steven Jay Schneider (2003)

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» Vedi le 28 citazioni

Mit diesem Buch sind lange Filmenächte vorprogrammiert. Einfach eine einzigartige Sammlung von Filmen. Mit diesem Buch wird sicher jeder Filmgeschmack mehr als nur befriedigend angesprochen. ( )
  RoXXieSiXX | May 20, 2024 |
This is an excellent review of meaningful movies of all countries since the inception of full-length film in modern times. There are many questionable titles included but an argument for their inclusion can be made for most of these dubious selections. For sure, the vast majority of what most people would consider great films are included. One exception would be The Mission which is an 80s movie and the list is already 1980’s heavy as it is. Why wouldn’t it be? The editor says that this list was drawn for other preexisting lists which was then expanded in scope to be as diverse as possible. I have only seen a few of the foreign firms listed, but I had heard the names of most of them. Many of the pages have screen stills or lobby posters. The descriptions are all concise and objective. I first saw this book for sale in the bookstore of the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, Los Angeles. The films appear in the book in chronological order with name indices for the type of film it falls under (Action, Horror, Musical etc.). I suppose this is a reference book, but also serves as a quick listing of work on which new directors and actors can build upon. 959 pp. ( )
  sacredheart25 | Apr 5, 2024 |
I disagree with 633 of them. Yep. ( )
1 vota OutOfTheBestBooks | Sep 24, 2021 |
1001 elokuvaa jotka jokaisen on nähtävä edes kerran eläessään on oivallinen opas jokaiselle elokuvista kiinnostuneelle. Teoksen alussa on tarkistuslista, josta voi ruksia elokuvat jotka on jo nähnyt. Teos antaa vinkkejä, kun tuntuu "ettei ole mitään katsottavaa". 1001 elokuvaa kattaa elokuvia vuodesta 1902 vuoteen 2011. Painotus on selkeästi länsimaisissa elokuvissa. Muun muassa draaman, komedian ja jännityselokuvan lisäksi teos listaa myös dokumenttien ja esimerkiksi film noirin klassikoita, mistä erityistä kiitosta. Tarjolla olevien elokuvien skaala ulottuu kaupallisista suuren yleison suosikeista (Grease, Titanic) harvinaisempiin kulttisuosiota nauttiviin elokuviin (Withnail and I, Picnic at the Hanging Rock). Elokuvia koskevat artikkelit ovat kirjoittajasta riippuen joko pelkkiä tiivistelmiä tai vastaavasti vähän syvällisempiä luotauksia kyseisen elokuvan merkitykseen. ( )
  Maria1888 | Dec 16, 2015 |
This book tells you everything you need to know about the must-see movies, from the ones you shouldn't have missed first time around, to the ones you can see again and again. Expert critics in each genre of film, from romance to horror and sci-fi, will tell you exactly why these films deserve inclusion in this definitive illustrated list, about their conception and development, and even about the most famous pleces of memorabilia associated with them. Packed with vital statistics, and a few facts that may surprise you, this is a collector's must for the bookshelf as well as being an entertaining read for all those that love the wonderful world of film. ( )
1 vota wiegandf | Apr 26, 2014 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (32 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Schneider, Steven Jayautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Alanen, AskoTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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When thinking about A Trip to the Moon, one's mind is quickly captured by the original and mythic idea of early filmmaking as an art whose "rules" were established in the very process of its production.
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1001 Film da non perdere è una guida dedicata a coloro che vogliono orientarsi tra i grandi capolavori del cinema mondiale. Aggiornato al 2008, il libro testimonia l'evoluzione del linguaggio cinematografico dagli albori del bianco e nero alle meraviglie del digitale, operando una selezione basata sull'importanza storica delle opere oltre che sul successo di pubblico e di critica che hanno registrato. I film sono presentati in ordine cronologico attraverso schede dettagliate che ne illustrano le trame e informano su registi, sceneggiatori, interpreti e premi ricevuti. Annotation Supplied by Informazioni Editoriali

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Media: (3.95)
1 4
1.5 4
2 6
2.5 3
3 38
3.5 12
4 103
4.5 7
5 66

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