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What Came from the Stars di Gary D. Schmidt
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What Came from the Stars (edizione 2012)

di Gary D. Schmidt (Autore)

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2822197,421 (3.07)6
Juvenile Fiction. Science Fiction & Fantasy. HTML:

The Valorim are about to fall to a dark lord when they send a necklace containing their planet across the cosmos, hurtling past a trillion stars . . . all the way into the lunchbox of Tommy Pepper, sixth grader, of Plymouth, Mass. Mourning his late mother, Tommy doesn't notice much about the chain he found, but soon he is drawing the twin suns and humming the music of a hanorah. As Tommy absorbs the art and language of the Valorim, their enemies target him. When a creature begins ransacking Plymouth in search of the chain, Tommy learns he must protect his family from villains far worse than he's ever imagined. This ebook includes a sample chapter of OKAY FOR NOW.

.… (altro)
Titolo:What Came from the Stars
Autori:Gary D. Schmidt (Autore)
Info:Clarion Books (2012), Edition: 1, 304 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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What Came from the Stars di Gary D. Schmidt

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» Vedi le 6 citazioni

I didn't get very far before I was bored out of my skull. Sorry, Mr. Schmidt. Maybe I'll try the audiobook later. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
An exciting adventure for a young boy when a mysterious chain arrives from another galaxy and lands in his lunchbox. ( )
  DebCushman | Aug 25, 2022 |
When a chain necklace falls from the sky and into Tommy’s lunchbox, of course he puts it on. What he doesn’t expect is the strange knowledge and skills he suddenly possesses. And what’s up with the eerie weather and the rash of break-ins in his small town of Plymouth, Massachusetts? As if Tommy didn’t already have enough to handle – a sister who hasn’t spoken in over a year, a dad who’s trying to save their house from a pushy real estate developer, and his own guilt over his mom’s death.

Meanwhile, far away in outer space, a brave warrior called Younger Waeglim – the very last of the Valorim race – is imprisoned by the evil Lord Mondus, trying to determine a way to save the Ethelim people from Mondus’s heartless rule.

But what does Tommy’s life have to do with Waeglim’s?

Find out in this latest novel from Newbery alum Gary D. Schmidt.

The chapters about Waeglim’s world can be a little confusing because everything has a different name and there isn’t really any exposition before the plot begins. I recommend starting at the back of the book, where there is a glossary and a short history of Waeglim’s planet. Then you’ll be more prepared to understand the story, and you can keep referring back to those appendices as you read. ( )
  rhowens | Nov 26, 2019 |
I didn't enjoy the book but I also didn't care much for Harry Potter. I think it was well written, maybe even the mind of a genius. It is definitely more of a guy read.
It was suggested to read the last chapter first to better understand the concept.
I think this is a fantasy/sci-fi genre. ( )
  jothebookgirl | Jan 3, 2017 |
I agree with KimJD -- "I loved, loved, loved the more "earthbound" portion of this story: Tommy Pepper and his father and younger sister are dealing with the recent death of their mother, fighting a determined real estate developer who wants to raze their tiny house on the shore to make way for some condos, and generally doing their best to hang on. Schmidt draws the reader right in to Tommy's life and makes it really matter. I did not love, love, love the (admittedly shorter) chapters dealing with the Valorim and the O'Mondim battling it out on the distant planet. Schmidt writes those chapters in a very high-fantasy style and the names and other-worldly words are hard to get through. But persistent readers will get enough from them to understand that the bad guys are doing their best to get the necklace back, and both stories do come together at the end in quite a satisfying conclusion." I liked Tommy's part best, the other world was a big confusing on audio.
  LeonaL | Jul 14, 2016 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Science Fiction & Fantasy. HTML:

The Valorim are about to fall to a dark lord when they send a necklace containing their planet across the cosmos, hurtling past a trillion stars . . . all the way into the lunchbox of Tommy Pepper, sixth grader, of Plymouth, Mass. Mourning his late mother, Tommy doesn't notice much about the chain he found, but soon he is drawing the twin suns and humming the music of a hanorah. As Tommy absorbs the art and language of the Valorim, their enemies target him. When a creature begins ransacking Plymouth in search of the chain, Tommy learns he must protect his family from villains far worse than he's ever imagined. This ebook includes a sample chapter of OKAY FOR NOW.


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Media: (3.07)
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