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Solo di Sarah Schofield
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Solo (originale 2011; edizione 2012)

di Sarah Schofield

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"Excerpt: I looked past Gramps and saw my grandmother with her arms firmly crossed. She wasn't your typical grandma. You know, the kind with fresh baked pies sitting on the windowsill. My grandmother was... Well, she was more like a warden. I slowly approached her. "Hello, Eliana." She awkwardly gave me a half-pat-on-the-back kind of hug. "Hi, Grandma; thanks for taking us in." I tried to chisel through the ice. "You're welcome," she replied stiffly. My mom walked up beside me. "Hi, Mom." "Hello, dear. I have your rooms ready. I put Eliana in your old bedroom. You're in the room across from hers, just in case." I looked away and rolled my eyes. What did "just in case" mean? Was it "just in case" I got scared in the middle of the night like I was seven years old, or "just in case" I tried to sneak out like I was an unruly teenager? This was going to be a long year. We each grabbed a bag and entered the house. I opened the door to my "so-called" bedroom and sucked in the aroma of rose potpourri and moth balls. My eyes rounded at the princess palace with its frilly pink walls bordered by purple castles and a dozen--that's right--twelve porcelain dolls staring at me from a wooden shelf. If anything could scare me, those beady eyes could. I stood there flabbergasted and Mom walked in. "Honey, we'll fix it later. Just start unloading your car." "You're sure lucky I love you," I whispered."--… (altro)
Autori:Sarah Schofield
Info:CreateSpace (2012), Paperback, 272 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Solo di Sarah Schofield (2011)

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I love reading a story through the eyes of a teenager it makes me remember the times where things were easy yet you struggled so much with decisions that needed to be made. I think that Sarah Schofield really stepped out with this one and it was a really good book. I also love the idea that Eliana understood the life of being a military brat. I am not sure that she was much of a brat herself but it was a pretty good book.
( )
  Angel.Carter | Aug 11, 2016 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
Solo was incredible! I could not put it down. It's perfect for a quick read which is still very touching. I found I really cared about the characters and what happened to them. I could really relate to the main character. Overall, the story is beautifully written and the characters are well developed. Although, Solo focus high school students it is still an excellent read for those who have finished high school. I would highly recommend reading Solo. ( )
  tierratheseeress | Apr 12, 2012 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
Solo by Sarah Schofield
I love getting to read new authors work and the surprises that are in store.
Solo is a well told story that I was lost in.
I love the town it was set in. My in-laws are from that area so I could picture the area pretty good.
Eliana two months left in the school year gets told that her dad is called to deploy for a year and that she and her mom where going to move in with her parents for that year in Oregon.
Eliana is having a hard time with the move to small town and doesn't want to get involved with anything.
Casey a junior is very welcoming to her and they have 4 classes together. After gym class Eliana goes to change into levis and can't find her clothes.
she is upset that her last class she has to wear short gym shorts. She ends crying in study hall. Cute guy gives her tissue.
Sasha is popular cheerleader who is Casey's friend who took her cloths, thinks she so special.
Eliana after a week sitting with Casey and her friends for lunch decides not to eat with them and make Casey have to choose.
Eliana loves to run and One day as she was running a truck almost ran her down she fell aways down a hill. It was Lucas the cute guy in study hall. He felt bad and was shaken gave her a ride home. Lucas was trying to be her friend.
Eliana at a view point saw a meadow and mapped her way to it one day and after that she would spend a lot of her time alone dancing and doing gymnastic tumbling for her own pleasure. No one knew she went their.
Lucas asked her to prom and she agreed to go with hijm as friends only and tried to not to get attached to him.
The relationships are pretty intertwined with most of the people living in the town most of their lives.
Sasha and her boyfriend continued to spread trouble and rumors about Eliana. Eliana took the high road but decided to show her up on the talent show,
I cared about the characters and wanted to know more about them. I would more stories by Sarah.
I was given this ebook in exchange for honest reviews from librarything.
12/22/2011 PUB M.O.I. Publishing ( )
  rhonda1111 | Mar 1, 2012 |
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"Excerpt: I looked past Gramps and saw my grandmother with her arms firmly crossed. She wasn't your typical grandma. You know, the kind with fresh baked pies sitting on the windowsill. My grandmother was... Well, she was more like a warden. I slowly approached her. "Hello, Eliana." She awkwardly gave me a half-pat-on-the-back kind of hug. "Hi, Grandma; thanks for taking us in." I tried to chisel through the ice. "You're welcome," she replied stiffly. My mom walked up beside me. "Hi, Mom." "Hello, dear. I have your rooms ready. I put Eliana in your old bedroom. You're in the room across from hers, just in case." I looked away and rolled my eyes. What did "just in case" mean? Was it "just in case" I got scared in the middle of the night like I was seven years old, or "just in case" I tried to sneak out like I was an unruly teenager? This was going to be a long year. We each grabbed a bag and entered the house. I opened the door to my "so-called" bedroom and sucked in the aroma of rose potpourri and moth balls. My eyes rounded at the princess palace with its frilly pink walls bordered by purple castles and a dozen--that's right--twelve porcelain dolls staring at me from a wooden shelf. If anything could scare me, those beady eyes could. I stood there flabbergasted and Mom walked in. "Honey, we'll fix it later. Just start unloading your car." "You're sure lucky I love you," I whispered."--

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Sarah Schofield è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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