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Look to Windward di Iain M. Banks
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Look to Windward (originale 2000; edizione 2000)

di Iain M. Banks (Autore)

Serie: The Culture (7)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
4,151772,990 (3.95)1 / 98
It was one of the less glorious incidents of the Idiran wars that led to the destruction of two suns and the billions of lives they supported. Now, 800 years later, the light from the first of those deaths has reached the Culture's Masaq' Orbital. A Chelgrian emissary is dispatched to the Culture.
Titolo:Look to Windward
Autori:Iain M. Banks (Autore)
Info:Orbit (2000), Edition: First, 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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Look to Windward di Iain M. Banks (2000)

  1. 40
    L' altro universo di Iain M. Banks (Mind_Booster_Noori)
    Mind_Booster_Noori: This book can work loosely as a sequel to Excession. Of course that there's a lot more in it than that...
  2. 30
    The Algebraist di Iain M. Banks (dkelly304)
    dkelly304: Gas Giant Creatures, Ancient Air-Based Intelligences, that don't bother anyone and have existed for billions of years. Sounds like the the behemothaur Yoleus in Look to Windward. Might also enjoy the Saga of the Seven Suns (the Hydrogues, Gas giant bad-guys). I love the Culture Novels SO much so I may be twisted to recommend more Banks, when reading... Banks. But honestly if you really do like the range and depth of the story telling, and this story, is meta-told by a character from the story... if you like that a bit more it gives Banks greater freedom from Character Perspective when he narrates and allows him to bring a universe much like the Culture's back to life in 1 book, weaving all the nuances of almost a dozen Culture Novels into a new pattern and then deftly anchoring the story line into yet another complicated weave of flashbacks, character flaws and subtle, underplayed pivoting climaxes in the plot that make the reader double guess what was just read, and attempt to re-read back. I say re-read back, and get the e-book version to accompany your Audio Rendition - I have the "Recorded Books Collection" version on audio and I find that the Non-Audible Style is a fresh take (even if it's a retro throw back to the 90's style recording), gives some of the more "british" aspects of Banks's style a more familiar and easily absorbed format for the American Reader/Listener. As always Bank's need for a character (or an aspect of all of them) to be at some level, a nuisance, a spy, a bad lover with emotional baggage, once the opposite sex, several thousand years of age, in league with the enemy, using massively advanced technique technology and doing it with real gravitas when the time comes to deliver the written bomb that is the true climax to the plot in any great Banks novel. don't leave out long lists of possibles and extra things that come at the end of paragraphs - the long iterations of different like things that comically represents some aspect of the far flung society we are being told about. It is done as much to amuse us, as to bring in some of the well-known, the familiar idiocy of our current society out into the beyond in time so that when we hear of it again in story, our minds and hearts can believe it could really be so, just that much more. For those who didn't enjoy this book as much as the culture novels, try it in Audio, or a Written Format other than e-Book - format makes a difference, I could not follow this book when it was in print, Audio Format is the only thing I was able to absorb (then I list it in my top 10 non-series Sci-Fi Novel List_#6 when I write this). -Super Future Enthusiast and Sci-fi nerd novel reader extraordinaire… (altro)
  3. 10
    Le guide del tramonto di Arthur C. Clarke (AlexanderM)
    AlexanderM: These works are both incredible pieces of literature that fit together nicely. Childhood's End and Look to Windward both have a similar view on humans as a species. Despite the fact that one is told from the humans' point of view, and the other is told from an alien races', they both give an interesting take on the future of humankind. Both are amazing pieces of literature, and I highly recommend reading them.… (altro)
  4. 00
    Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco di George R. R. Martin (Utente anonimo)
  5. 13
    The Golden Transcendence: Or, The Last of the Masquerade di John C. Wright (bertilak)
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» Vedi le 98 citazioni

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Quinto libro del ciclo della Cultura che leggo, ormai si riconosce uno “schema” tipico con cui Banks concepisce i suoi romanzi e questo non fa eccezione: il motivo principale della trama è piuttosto banale (un ospite alieno che complotta una vendetta contro la Cultura) ma serve solo come traccia per Banks per aprire una finestra fantastica sul grandioso Universo della Cultura e per le sue divagazioni su etica, vita, morte, onore, religione, ecc…
Inoltre, sempre come consueto, la trama principale è intramezzata da più sotto-trame tra cui alcune confuse e apparentemente avulse dalla logica del contesto. La lettura procede, così, un po’ faticosa e si passa continuamente dall'interessante/avvincente al noioso/confuso.

In questo romanzo Banks affronta temi importanti tra cui il concetto di Vita, Morte, Onore, Religione, Divinità, ma anche altri aspetti interessanti legati all'estrema evoluzione delle Menti, assurte quasi alla dimensione di dei.

Alla fine questo libro è certo una lettura interessante, purtroppo però piuttosto inflazionato dalla presenza di diversi capitoli “inutili” e poco interessanti se non addirittura noiosi. Ma il finale grandioso ed epico rivaluta molto tutta l’opera. ( )
  senio | Jul 13, 2013 |
La vicenda è incentrata su uno dei rarissimi errori commessi dalla civiltà della Cultura, avvenuto durante un'antica guerra ma che aveva causato la morte di milioni di persone. Sull'orbitale Masaq si sta aspettando l'arrivo di quel lampo di luce che era in realtà la distruzione di intere stelle, un evento che si ricollega a Considera Fleba, il primo romanzo del ciclo.
Un gruppo di alieni Chelgriani trama nell'ombra per vendicare i miliardi di propri simili morti nella guerra civile scoppiata su Chel.
Protagonisti della vicenda sono uno strambo gruppo di esponenti della Cultura, tra cui un rinnegato Chelgriano, e Quilan, colui che dovrebbe portare a termine l'attentato terroristico ai danni di un Orbitale (un gigantesco mondo artificiale a forma di anello) della Cultura.
  mirkul | May 9, 2011 |
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Banks writes with a sophistication that will surprise anyone unfamiliar with modern science fiction. He begins in medias res, introducing characters, places and events that are not explained in detail until many pages later. [...] The deus ex machina ending will strike some as too easy. But as in all good fiction, what's important in Banks's work is the subtext, which I take to be the idea that freedom is both necessary and dangerous, and that only by imagining the unimaginable, both in ourselves and others, can we hope to remain free.
aggiunto da Widsith | modificaNew York Times, Gerald Jonas (Oct 7, 2001)
.. he is not afraid to to ponder the implications of his flash-bang spectaculars. He examines the fine distinction between hedonism (what the Culture thinks it practises) and decadence (what many others perceive), as well as the responsibilities that come with immeasurable power. An enjoyable romp is overlaid with tragedy as he rubs our noses in the consequences of war: ...

aggiunto da andyl | modificaThe Guardian, Phil Daoust (Sep 2, 2000)

» Aggiungi altri autori (3 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Iain M. Banksautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Eliot, T. S.Collaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Bonhorst, IreneTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Gamissans Serna, PaulaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
García Martínez, MartaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Gálla, NóraTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Kenny, PeterNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Mäkelä, LauriTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Rizzi, LeonardoTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Salwowski, MarkImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Sigaud, BernardTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Stennett, CraigFotografoautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Vanderstelt, JerryImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Virtanen, JariTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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"Gentile or Jew
O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you."
T. S. Eliot,
'The Waste Land', IV
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For the Gulf War Veterans
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Near the time we both we knew I would have to leave him, it was hard to tell which flashes were lightning and which came from the energy weapons of the Invisibles. (Prologue)
The barges lay on the darkness of the still canal, their lines softened by the snow heaped in pillows and hummocks on their decks.
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"Believe me; democracy in action can be an unpretty sight."
Ultime parole
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

It was one of the less glorious incidents of the Idiran wars that led to the destruction of two suns and the billions of lives they supported. Now, 800 years later, the light from the first of those deaths has reached the Culture's Masaq' Orbital. A Chelgrian emissary is dispatched to the Culture.

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