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No title (2011)

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Reborn as the Flame, thirteen-year-old Emily has saved Olympus from destruction but when the gruesome Nirads begin a new invasion, Emily and her friends become entangled in the conflict as old grudges are unearthed and new enemies are discovered.

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The Flame of Olympus di Kate O'Hearn (2011)

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» Vedi le 5 citazioni

A fast-paced story for younger teens who enjoy horses, mythical beings and adventure. An enjoyable read. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Jan 23, 2016 |
I was given this by the publisher and was surprised to find how much I enjoyed it. Very much a Percy Jackson for girls. I do prefer Percy Jackson but this is highly commendable and just gets better and better as it goes on. Well worth read. ( )
  MathewBridle | May 4, 2015 |
I was given this by the publisher and was surprised to find how much I enjoyed it. Very much a Percy Jackson for girls. I do prefer Percy Jackson but this is highly commendable and just gets better and better as it goes on. Well worth read. ( )
  MathewBridle | May 4, 2015 |
First of all, I don't know any Roman Olympian named Paelen so this book didn't appeales much to me unlike Percy Jackson's. Uh, I didn't mean to compare it but you know, you just can't help it if you really like that series. >_
So... the story is pretty unique. And it's because the female MC is human, not a demigod... er... yeah. Then as I've mentioned, Paelen, is the other MC. Anddddd... There's Pegasus too! Pretty cool that he's also included there.

I like the Greek's version rather than the Roman Myth. So I know I might be biased about it... But still... Apparently, I've got lots of compassion since I got teary eyed quite a lot of times. :/ I felt bad foe the horses too. :(

Hey, Pegasus is not a Horse... A Stallion then? What's the difference, they're both horse to me. ;) Oh don't let Diana know I said that. She might wring my neck. :o I actually remember Percy cause Diana could talk to Pegasus. :)

A pretty good read, once I started it, it grows on you. 4 stars. ( )
  lexiechan | Sep 10, 2013 |
Pegasus: The Flame of Olympus is incredible! Ever since I read this book , Katie O'Hearn has been one of my favorite authors of all time. The story of this book are so descriptive, it feels as if nothing else in the world matters. ( )
  Arada-B | Jun 2, 2013 |
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Kate O'Hearnautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Chan, JasonImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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As always, without the support and love of my family, my wonderful editors Anne and Naomi, and my fantastic agent, V, this book would never have seen the light of day. 
Thanks guys, you're the best
(OTB will never die.)
I would also like to dedicate this book to all the horses everywhere, especially those who suffer under poor working conditions and horrific abuse. I wish Pegasus would come to rescue you all. 
Without him, it will be up to us to make your lives better.

My dearest reader, please help whenever and wherever you can. 
Abused horses everywhere await your love and assistance.
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War came to Olympus.
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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Reborn as the Flame, thirteen-year-old Emily has saved Olympus from destruction but when the gruesome Nirads begin a new invasion, Emily and her friends become entangled in the conflict as old grudges are unearthed and new enemies are discovered.

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