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Exegetical Fallacies di D. A. Carson
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Exegetical Fallacies (edizione 1996)

di D. A. Carson (Autore)

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2,770185,420 (4.24)3
This book offers updated explanations of the sins of interpretation to teach sound grammatical, lexical, cultural, theological, and historical Bible study practices.
Titolo:Exegetical Fallacies
Autori:D. A. Carson (Autore)
Info:Baker Pub Group (1996), Edition: 2nd, 128 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri

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Exegetical Fallacies di D. A. Carson

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Anyone whose job it is to interpret texts should be aware of the pitfalls of doing so. In this brief book, the scholar who went on to pen his masterly commentary on John sets out those pitfalls in quite often fairly technical detail.

While the layperson can read this, it’s obviously written for the scholar. It’s essential reading in any Bible college course where interpreting the Bible plays a part and, as such, has been a staple on courses in the 20 years or so since it was written.

Carson tackles fallacies in the following key areas: words, grammar, logic, presuppositions and history. In each, he exemplifies errors from a wide variety of sources who he references specifically. It’s good to see he doesn’t shy away from pointing out the errors of his peers where he sees them, and this was clearly a motivation for the book in the first place.

Unfortunately, the text is somewhat dry and, in the latter stages, a tad inaccessible for the likes of the man in the pew. As such, I wouldn’t really recommend reading it unless you are responsible for teaching other people the Bible. Even then, unless that is actually in your job description, you might want to find something that is an easier read. ( )
  arukiyomi | Aug 30, 2021 |
This little book is wonderful, it breaks down the numerous fallacies on scholarly works from logic to linguistic fallacies ( )
  Teddy37 | Jun 9, 2021 |
This book is a handy summation of the major types of exegetical fallacies. It provides clear definitions and good illustrations, and is especially adept at distinguishing and relating the various "members" of the various families of related fallacies. Carson is clearly an exegete of uncommon skill, especially in his grasp of the general rules of linguistics and logic.

However. I would have to say that I feel generous giving the book a single star because of one single factor: the tone. I've read a good many scholars who could have used a lesson or two in humility and gentility, but I've never read another book that could match this for arrogance and condescension. In fact, it's so bad, you expect about halfway through that Carson is going to reveal that the book is a parody of exegetical criticism. You keep waiting for the, "Oh, I'm just kidding! I really do respect the authors I'm critiquing and their works are, overall, extremely valuable." That moment never comes.

And the REAL issue is that the information in the book is truly valuable, well-organized, and easy-to-follow. I'd love to use this text in a hermeneutics class, but since I'm trying to teach students to be lovers of the Word of God and not to be pompous, self-important, condescending jerks, I'll have to look for another text. ( )
  Jared_Runck | Mar 26, 2018 |
Excellent little book that helps the student of the Bible avoid common interpretive pitfalls. Recommended for the preacher/teacher. ( )
  bartbox | Jun 15, 2017 |
This little book is wonderful, it breaks down the numerous fallacies on scholarly works from logic to linguistic fallacies ( )
  Theodore.Gebretsadik | Feb 8, 2015 |
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[Preface to the Second Edition] The surprising success of this book suggests that there is an encouraging number of preachers and teachers of Scripture who want to correct common errors in exegesis.
[Preface] Most of the material in this book was first delivered at the Spring Lectureship sponsored by Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland, Oregon, in 1983.
[Introduction] To focus on fallacies, exegetical or otherwise, sounds a bit like focusing on sin: guilty parties may take grudging notice and briefly pause to examine their faults, but there is nothing intrinsically redemptive in the procedure.
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This book offers updated explanations of the sins of interpretation to teach sound grammatical, lexical, cultural, theological, and historical Bible study practices.

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