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Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 1 (Saga of the…
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Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 1 (Saga of the Swamp Thing, 1) (originale 1984; edizione 2012)

di Alan Moore (Autore)

Serie: Swamp Thing (Vol.2 #20-27), Swamp Thing (1982-1996) (S1)

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7182133,013 (4.07)23
Before WATCHMEN, Alan Moore made his debut in the U.S. comic book industry with the revitalization of the horror comic book THE SWAMP THING. His deconstruction of the classic monster stretched the creative boundaries of the medium and became one of the most spectacular series in comic book history.With modern-day issues explored against a backdrop of horror, SWAMP THING's stories became commentaries on environmental, political and social issues, unflinching in their relevance. SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING Book One collects issues #20-27 of this seminal series including the never-before-reprinted SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #20, where Moore takes over as writer and concludes the previous storyline. Book One begins with the story 'The Anatomy Lesson,' a haunting origin story that reshapes SWAMP THING mythology with terrifying revelations that begin a journey of discovery and adventure that will take him across the stars and beyond.… (altro)
Titolo:Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 1 (Saga of the Swamp Thing, 1)
Autori:Alan Moore (Autore)
Info:Vertigo (2012), Edition: First Edition, 208 pages
Collezioni:Paper, La tua biblioteca

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Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 1 di Alan Moore (Author) (1984)

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» Vedi le 23 citazioni

Beautifully illustrated comics from the 1980s. The story-line is much better than the average.

library book read 9/14/2023 ( )
  catseyegreen | Sep 14, 2023 |
Even though it skips a few chapters, this starts where Alan Moore became the writer of this character, giving him a proper origin story and an existential crisis; This is where it gets interesting, and it displays the brilliance of Alan Moore as a writer, who saved this comic from cancellation.
Expect themes of identity, existentialism and that kind of stuff.
Amazing story in general and the art is jaw droppingly gorgeous. ( )
1 vota diogsis | Apr 4, 2022 |
Alan Moore is good, isn't he? He brings the weary, philosophical fatalism to the Swamp Thing that defined this character (for me, at least). I thought the Swamp Thing's identity-crisis would play out at greater length, however. After a convenient vegetable threat Swampy seems to have accepted his fate and identity without too much in the way of Shakespearean introspection and soliloquy. Well, I suppose he did almost disarrange himself which could be the vegetable equivalent of MacBeth-like soul-searching.

Honestly, I fully suspect that Swampy's identity-crisis will underpin the rest of the series, and in typical Alan Moore fashion, will prod at the soggy, pulsating whorls of what it means to be human, with a rusty scalpel. Can't wait. ( )
1 vota sebdup | Dec 11, 2021 |
I definitely enjoyed this one, and it was Alan Moore in good shape (certainly better shape than that mass of who knows what known as From Hell, which I tried to read and dropped). Anyhow, I was familiar with the character of Swamp Thing, but I had never really read it. So, this makes a pretty good entry point as Moore reimagines and gives us a new story. The gothic element is strong in this series, and it is one I enjoyed. It is something I don't see in many comics any more. Though this series came out in the 1980s, it still holds up pretty well now. And the art is actually pretty good. Worth a read. ( )
  bloodravenlib | Aug 17, 2020 |
Moore right at the very beginning. Partially before Watchmen, and setting out his much-imitated greatness. Take a B-movie horror monster and put him up against other B-movie monsters. But leave the plot ascance and hunt for the bigger themes and change the nature of good vs. evil stories as a result. Elevate your swamp monster to the status of a god, and then let him retire to a cabin in the woods. And get Bisette to write you in a character who cares more about the story than the cash in your final one. He may get screwed about off the page, but on it he's peerless in the comics world.
  thenumeraltwo | Feb 11, 2020 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Moore, AlanAutoreautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Bissette, StephenIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Totleben, JohnIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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I had to come, Arcane. I had to be sure.
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This work contains the newer editions of the first volume of Alan Moore's run (#20-27). Earlier editions start with #21 and are currently a seperate work.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Before WATCHMEN, Alan Moore made his debut in the U.S. comic book industry with the revitalization of the horror comic book THE SWAMP THING. His deconstruction of the classic monster stretched the creative boundaries of the medium and became one of the most spectacular series in comic book history.With modern-day issues explored against a backdrop of horror, SWAMP THING's stories became commentaries on environmental, political and social issues, unflinching in their relevance. SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING Book One collects issues #20-27 of this seminal series including the never-before-reprinted SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #20, where Moore takes over as writer and concludes the previous storyline. Book One begins with the story 'The Anatomy Lesson,' a haunting origin story that reshapes SWAMP THING mythology with terrifying revelations that begin a journey of discovery and adventure that will take him across the stars and beyond.

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